Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades

I am considering a pair of one  of these.  Anybody have any suggestions , comments, recommendations?
Vandy's, always Vandy's.-Especially when considering how you can tune them to your room.
Seriously, if you are spending that much, why don't you audition them?
You are the only one that can make the decision, as everyone has different tastes, hearing ability, etc.

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Lucky you.....personally, I would choose the Vandersteen, however only you can make that happy decision. I own Vandersteen and have been very happy with their support, I don't know Kef support....that might be put in the decision making.
yes, how blessed and fortunate. I am lucky to own several pair of Vandersteen, including the mk II. I get endless hours of enjoyment from them in a mostly all digital system. I use a Revox B-77 and Master tapes as an analog reference as well.
I have visited most of the USa dealers who display them, all quite competent and excellent support. They all carry IMo excellent ancillary gear, most are very analog oriented. I might be the blacksheep..ha
I have also heard the Blades, I never say anything bad - go listen, form your own opinion.

what room, music, volume level, upstream equipment? 

enjoy the journey !!! and the music

IF I may be of service, just let me know. IF you get to Seattle, you are welcome to hear ours.

At that price range, you do need to audition them both.  I can say that one of the two or three best systems I have ever heard was Vandersteen 7 Mk IIs with their amps and subs at Audio Connection.  I have not heard the Blades, though.