Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades

I am considering a pair of one  of these.  Anybody have any suggestions , comments, recommendations?
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Lucky you.....personally, I would choose the Vandersteen, however only you can make that happy decision. I own Vandersteen and have been very happy with their support, I don't know Kef support....that might be put in the decision making.
yes, how blessed and fortunate. I am lucky to own several pair of Vandersteen, including the mk II. I get endless hours of enjoyment from them in a mostly all digital system. I use a Revox B-77 and Master tapes as an analog reference as well.
I have visited most of the USa dealers who display them, all quite competent and excellent support. They all carry IMo excellent ancillary gear, most are very analog oriented. I might be the blacksheep..ha
I have also heard the Blades, I never say anything bad - go listen, form your own opinion.

what room, music, volume level, upstream equipment? 

enjoy the journey !!! and the music

IF I may be of service, just let me know. IF you get to Seattle, you are welcome to hear ours.

At that price range, you do need to audition them both.  I can say that one of the two or three best systems I have ever heard was Vandersteen 7 Mk IIs with their amps and subs at Audio Connection.  I have not heard the Blades, though.
Never heard the Vandersteen 7 but owned  both the Vandersteen 2ci, 2ce signature and the 3A.  I did hear the big Kef Blades and found them exciting at first but fatiguing after about 30 minutes of listening.  Knowing Vandersteen, I would think that would be the better of the two but you really need to listen to them, especially at that price range.