Magicos are chesty

admit it.

Hey @sciencecop
LOL, I suggest you call up Magico and offer your help...

Oh no, I am 100% sure they are choosing their tonal balance carefully.

If I hacked it would be to see if I could make the S line sound like the M line. :)

To suggest that Magico does not use vocal and piano in their demos is pretty weak. Makes we wonder if you ever been to such a presentation.

I’ve heard exactly one. At the Magico factory of the S1 Mk II. And yes, the vocal and piano was a lot shorter than all other music. Was it deliberate, do they do it all the time, I have no idea. But I present to you my sample size.

The genius you are, you should know that the S1 being a 2-way, will have no midrange enclosure…

I did not make that claim, so you’ll have to ask the original poster about that.

And this is one reason why I doubt plastic in the mid range is the cause. However, it’s not just about material but construction. You can make plastic non-resonant at certain frequencies if the 3D construction is done right.

What I find most interesting really is that the S, (a 2 way, shares this characteristic with a 3-way. Usually you have to compromise in some way with a 2 way and a 6" driver. Often you need to add a little extra bass somewhere to make it sound balanced, which is fine so long as you don’t directly compare it to a multi-way full ranger.

So, when I heard the S1, I thought "Huh, that is an interesting compromise."

But when I heard the S3 it made me think this is a design choice.

Also, I’d discourage you from using cynical ad hominem attacks here.Save it for social media.


I just realized I misread this:
My guess is you are hearing the sound of the polypropylene plastic bucket that houses the midrange. 

My apologies, I thought you meant the driver basket. I had forgotten all about the bucket!

Yes, but as @sciencecop points out, this isn't present in the S1.

Assuming the same issue is in both, I'd say it's a crossover tuning issue.

But that doesn't mean that the S1 and S3 don't have different causes of the same issue.


What took sciencecop so long to show up and browbeat anyone dissing Magico?
I spent few hours on Saturday listening to the S1 Mk2 on a full Spectral system. Truly was a treat, I couldn’t fault it on anything but full orchestral pieces (and the price, very expensive setup). It was amazing, the liquidity off these speakers is unmatched by anything I heard. Here is a link to a very good review by a very “snobbish” German reviewer ( ). Will not do a full translate but he basically concluded with that:

"With her farewell from the listening room, the Magico S1 Mk2 I was unhappy. No wonder, because those who have heard the entire musical spectrum with these transducers in a clarity and bandwidth that can only be described as unbelievable, meets the blow when reactivating to familiar loudspeakers…”
Honestly, there was a lot I liked more about the S1 than the S3.
The S1, except for the congestion noted in my original post, has a glass smooth midrange to treble, and truly impressive dynamic range along with a very wide listening angle.

The S3 I heard was not as smooth, and honestly a little strident as things got loud. (this may be dealer electronics, or acoustics but it was something I heard elsewhere in the showroom).

The S1 remains a weird thing to me. It requires a lot of space, a lot of power, and ultimately sounds better at low listening volumes. I mean, it has the dynamic range, but the tonal balance is a bit cool, and encourages more late night quiet listening than R&R at full volume. And damn, it is inefficient. I really had hoped to hear that the S3 fixed everything, but honestly, in the short presentation I heard, if those were my only two choices in speakers, the S1 was far better.
Again, I have no idea what contributed. It could have been the room, or cables. No idea. Just based on my 2 auditions, hands down the S1 wins.
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