Spendor ST vs. B&W 803d vs. PMC PB1i ???

These speakers are all at roughly the same price point, but how do they compare in a high quality 2 channel audiophile system?

I have heard the 803d and PB1i with Bryston electronics (on two different occasions), and liked them both. I will soon compare them side by side at the same dealer.

There is scant information regarding the Spendor ST. Has anyone heard it? How does it compare to B&W or PMC?

Though Spendor has a venerable history, is it still in the same league as B&W or PMC?


Hi folks,

The PB1i indeed has the Vifa midrange that has been used by PMC for a while; it was also used in the previous range of speakers like the OB1 and EB1. I have had the OB1 for several years and did not experience any problem in the midrange even at high volumes. But if you like to play everything at thunderous levels, go for the mighty IB2i which uses a midrange of a different level (mighty price too). If you are in favour of transmission line type speakers at a price level comparable (some even cheaper) to the PMC PB1i, maybe the T+A Criterion TS200 (German manufacturer) or the French J-M Reynaud Orféo MK2 or Concorde (both having a ribbon tweeter) are something for you. I've heard some very good things about these TL-speakers. To end I would like to point out that I've experienced some quality issues with the finish of the PMC speaker cabinets. I replaced my previously mentioned OB1 by the PB1i. The first pair has been taken back because of a gap between one of the side panels and the front panel. The second pair has problems with paint (black ash finish) comming of between the two bass speakers. Where the paint let loose, wood paste is visible. So some repair has been done to the panel before painting it (we are talking about a 7000€ speaker!!!). An endless discussion about this has been going on between PMC and myself. I even didn't get any support from the local distributer; he found that I was making a lot of fuzz about nothing. So in the end I gave up and decided to do the repair myself. PMC claim to be perfect but they're not. They sound great; but .... So be aware.
I was able to find the right speakers for me - the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation - while also being able to support excellence in Canadian audio manufacturing. The VA PA use Scandinavian made drivers.

Vifa used to be Scandinavian, but are now made in the Far East...
I have the PB1i and it is outstanding.

Casting dispersion [pun] on the midrange dome used, because it may not be an $800+ unit, is distracting. It works great in this design, and is probably a much more sensitive unit requiring less power to 'arrive' at full output.

It is also illogical to assume that PMC uses an off the shelf driver, none of their other speakers do. PMC designs, specifies requirements, then hand customizes each driver. I'm sorry, but although they have the same parent company, you can't compare a Honda Formula 1 race car to a base level Civic coupe.

All PMCs are designed and built for rugged use, as evidenced by the fact that PMC offers a 20 year warranty.

Other manufacturers don't even offer a 20 month warranty.

I have valued your thoughts and opinions in the past Shadorne, but this one is misdirected.