Verity Audio midrange drivers?

In my search for new speakers, I auditioned the Verity Audio Finn at a local dealer. They were very musically absorbing, and may have nudged ahead of the B&W 803d on my short-list.

Going up the Verity Audio food chain are the Rienzi and then the Leonore, which I cannot audition locally.

My question is how do the quality of the midrange drivers compare between the Finn, Rienzi, and Leonore? Which of these speakers use the best midrange driver(s)?

Or put another way, if the midrange is important to you, which of these speakers stand out?


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In the December 2009 issue of Stereophile not only do they review the Verity Audio Leonore, they also short listed the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation and the Verity Audio Sarastro II for 2009 Product of the Year.

In the October 2009 issue they included the Parsifal, Sarastro, and Rienzi in their listing of recommended components.

They favourably mentioned the new Finn in a trade show report.

Verity Audio is a small Canadian company, and to have almost their entire product line discussed or reviewed recently in Stereophile makes a very strong statement.

I read reviews with a jaded eye, but with Verity Audio I think that they may be on to something.


Verity Audio is a small Canadian company, and to have almost their entire product line discussed or reviewed recently in Stereophile makes a very strong statement.

In the October 2009 issue they included the Parsifal, Sarastro, and Rienzi in their listing of recommended components.

Verity Audio is a small Canadian company, and to have almost their entire product line discussed or reviewed recently in Stereophile makes a very strong statement.

I read reviews with a jaded eye, but with Verity Audio I think that they may be on to something.

I don't think you can really conclude anything ("a very strong statement' and that "Verity are on to something") from Stereophile. They rarely say anything negative about anything and their recommended components list is huge.

Like cars, nearly everything you see discussed in the rags is "best in its class" or the best thing since sliced bread. What you can be assured of is that Verity at least make an excellent product... but attributing that they are really something "special" or head and shoulders above the rest may be a stretch.

What is generally most reliable about Stereophile is John Atkinson's final paragraph on the measurements. If he drops a few hints that the measurements are "idiosyncratic" or uses another euphemism like that...
All I am trying to point out is that a small company with a small advertising budget has received a huge amount of exposure in an audio magazine in another country, and that makes a strong statement about its products.

I fully agree that the great degree of arbitrary subjectivity of most audio reviews coupled with the many variables involved means that one must be cautious in interpreting the outcomes. I have no way of assessing the integrity, taste, or qualifications of most reviewers.

That said, having most of its product line reviewed or discussed recently suggests that Verity Audio have something special to offer. They sure don't have the marketing, entertaining, or discounted sample budget of some of the larger players that are in a position to influence the audio press in ways that have nothing to do with the excellence of their products.

