Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.
Right you are, pjw.  Nice post.

Fierce tenor playing:


Thanks for the Ted Nash clip, acman3; one of the most talented players on the scene today.  


Great Wayne Shorter clips, btw.  Thanks to all.  Haven’t heard the new one, but it’s on the top of my list.
 frogman, Fierce is an understatement!  That song is from the one and only album that Pope played on with the Prince Lasha group.


And thanks for the Nash ballad. Nash is new to me.
                    I had the great once in a life-time luck this weekend to
hear Artie Shaw's "Clarinet Concerto" played by one Gabriel Campos Zamora
and the Minnesota Orchestra of which he is principal clarinet .
A ton of fun and Zamora is a fine player but unless memory fails me(a distinct possibility ) Vanska is even a tad better .

Well, as you know, the Artie Shaw Concerto puts certain demands on the soloist that most orchestral players seldom come across. Not too many great orchestral players can play that piece with a truly credible jazz feel.  Zamora is a terrific player and the son of jazz musicians; he can definitely do it.  There is a clip on youtube in which he talks about and demonstrates excerpts from the piece.  Glad you got to hear it.

The infamous double high C at the end.  Amazing!


Interesting that you mention Vanska.  Listened to this just yesterday.  There is nothing Martin Frost cannot do on the clarinet.  Vanska conducts:
