Heaviest Headshell?

I'm trying to find the heaviest headshell out there to use with my SME M2-12R. So far the winner is the $300 Ikeda Titanium which is 20g. Any suggestions?
Certain FR headshells can exceed 20g easily. You’ve glued 3 quarters to a 20g Ikeda? What cartridge?
No the quarters are on an sme headshell. The cartridge is a Decca London Super Gold. 
I am using an Ortofon LH 9000 headshell with my Koetsu Urushi. The headshell weighs 18 g. But it costs a lot less than $300. To that you could always add more weight by various methods as you know. Your cartridge must be remarkably low in compliance.
It is. No cantilever. 

I went ahead and bought a Yamamoto that's 18.4 for a good price and the brass screws that soundsmith sells. I also saw a sme headshell spacer/weight on ebay that I ordered. Hopefully that'll get me heavy enough to use the extra SME counterweight. Highest mass possible is best for this cartridge.
I remember the earlier Decca cartridges, the 4R and SC4E. They were big, heavy, and noncompliant. It is hard to imagine that those didn’t gouge the grooves, but they had a devoted following. I still own an SC4E, which I would not think of actually using.