New Sonus Faber Electa Amator 3...anybody heard these yet?

Celebrating Sonus Faber’s thirty five years in business, they have just released the new SF Electa Amator 3! This little stand mount looks like it has some very good basics for a smaller room and system. 
As usual lots of attention to the speakers aesthetic and it looks like to the driver selection as well.
Anybody have a chance to hear these little gems? Could they be the perfect small room speaker system, thoughts?
As I predicted, the new Electa Amator Version 3 has been introduced. They were shown at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in 2018. They were introduced to celebrate the 35th birthday of Sonus Faber. The price is $10,000, including stands. Absolute Sound reported that, "Even in a small hotel room, the speakers imaged beautifully and voices were spookily real."  
@tonykay   I saw that mini review in Absolute Sound. They certainly look like the real deal.
I haven’t seen the newest version, but the first (and probably the second, as well) were works of art. At $5500 (in 1990), they were a bargain. I’ll reiterate that used, early-version Sonus Faber speakers are a great investment. You won’t be disappointed!