Hegel H590 List $13,500. Reasonable?

So I just saw the Darko Audio review for the Hegel H590 and thought I'd take a look into the price. I'm well aware that their gear is made in China, which isn't the topic of this thread really but it's somewhat related... anyway

Considering that the amp is made in China, is this price reasonable or fair? It puts it into the 5 figure price range which can get you an Accuphase or Luxman top of the line integrated. Or even Pass Labs.

I was honestly very surprised at this price, I thought it would be about half of the price it's going for.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
China’s electronics region is every bit as good as other country’s electronics region. After all, Apple builds nearly all their products there. China simply reverse engineers other high end gear and builds up similar products. 
joecasey"Relatively speaking USofA is the greatest nation on earth"

You have been controlled, brainwashed, and manipulated and when you have travelled the world and experienced other peoples, nations, and cultures you will realize the USofA has become a cesspool of waste, decay, and corruption I have to visit usually a few times each year on business and I am always happy to leave it is the least favorite of my travel destinations and I also travel to the Middle East and Russia so what does that tell you about you're great nation! 
I bought it and yes. Probably the best integrated with built-in DAC for the money in the market today. It is like an H30 with a 5k DAC. 
Follow your ears and no the geography and prejudices, unfortunately, come to light in every part of life these days. But the way what makes USA great is the contribution of everyone working together, inmigrants, those born here and all who lives here.
Enjoy the music
As good as my entry level Hegel H90 sounds I can’t imagine what the H590 is like. My setup is simple. Ethernet to my Hegel and Qobuz 16bit 44.1 via Airplay. I don’t know how they do it, but it sounds incredible. 
Now just to discover new music!
@jafant "Way over-priced for a product made in china..."

So country of origin dictates what a product is worth?  That's one of the most ridiculous things I've read on this forum lately.