Bryston 4B3 vs Mac MC462 vs Pass Labs X250.8, OR... GRYPHON Diablo 300?

Over the next few weeks I am organizing in-home demo of  three pre/power amps for my B&W 803D2's, and will purchase whichever sounds best.  I will be testing the following gear, which is based on what's available where live:
-Bryston B173 / 4B3-McIntosh C47 / MC462
-Pass Labs X250.8, if I can get my hands on one (will probably use the C47 pre-amp to test with this)
The Gryphon Diablo 300 is also a candidate.  I've seen some strong comments from others that Gryphon is in another league compared to the others.
My question is, barring what sounds best to me during my auditioning, in general to most people would the Diablo 300 really beat the others in my list?  And, are there any material disadvantages to sound quality considering the Diablo is an integrated vs the other choices?  I don't really care about having separates, but sound is obviously important.
Secondly related to the Gryphon, there is only one Gryphon dealer that is even remotely close to me.  Should that dealer cut ties down the road, or go out of business, does anyone know how I might go about getting service for the Diablo should I require it at some point?  Is that a valid concern?  There are multiple Mac dealers near me so that would not be so much of a concern.

Thanks in advance for any feedback....

ddafoeThank You for the follow up.  What other gear including cabling rounds out your system?  Happy Listening!
I'm currently using:

Roon on RaspPi, hifiberry digi+ pro,  iFi AUDIO iPower power supply
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda Digital Cable
SimAudio Moon 380D DSD
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda XLR
SimAudio 740P
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda XLR
Pass 250.8
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda Speaker Cable
Spendor D9s
and various Shunyata power cables

My Raspberry Pi based streamer seems out of place compared to the other components :)   Music still sounds amazing through it though and it works like a champ with Roon.

So I’ve started step one of the process:  purchasing the Bryston 4B3 and breaking it in (at about 80 hours in now).  I have a 30-day return window which is very helpful.

Next weekend I will be borrowing a McIntosh C2600 and MC452 (they don’t have a demo 462 yet) to compare against the Bryston.

Have to say that so far I’m impressed with the Bryston 4B3, even though it’s not fully broken in.  It just does all of the basics very well, including having good dynamics, neutrality, and pace and timing.  Bass is also not lacking at all.  It’s amazing how much the transparency and soundstage have developed in 80 hours.

I see how others have said elsewhere, that this could be a fatiguing amp over extended listening periods.  It is not harsh at all, but there is definitely a forward presentation. But not bright.  More just in your face on the surface presentation, as others have put it.  But that no-fuss approach works for me.  I don’t mind it being possibly fatiguing since it is also very engaging musically.

I imagine the other candidates, especially The Gryphon Diablo 300, will beat the Bryston and Mac when I get to them, in more advanced areas such as 3D soundstaging.  But I have to say I’m getting attached to the Bryston 4B3 already!  And I can’t discount the highly supportive company and 20 year warranty.  Especially considering what it would cost to ship the Gryphon to Denmark for an out of warranty repair after Gryphon’s 3 year warranty period.....

Will provide updates after comparing the MC452 this weekend.  Until then my family is suffering the constant audio from breaking in the Bryston (at a lower volume, playing TV audio).

what other gear including cabling rounds out your system?
I am looking forward to the Bryston/McIntosh comparison. The B&W 803D2 is a very fine loudspeaker.

Happy Listening