Pass labs xa25 amp and BW 804 d3?

Can the Pass labs xa25 drive BW 804 d3's?
I own a Pass XA-25. When I bought it I owned a new CJ ART150 stereo tube amp and a CJ Premiere 12 monoblock set up. I’ve had the legendary CJ Premier 350 solid state amp. I drive Wilson Audio SOPHIA II’s. I got here with an XA25 after exchanging email with Nelson Pass when I was thinking of a First Watt to try out. He re-directed me to take a look at the XA25. That was in November 2018. I have sold the ART 150 and other amps. Compact and commanding. I read the STEREOPHILE review and the technical assessment. All I can tell you is the little amp commands the Wilsons with authority. My sound has never been better. It paired extremely well with CJ single ended pre amps such as the ET-5 and Premier 16LS2. I tried a Pass Labs XP-10 which was a very good pre, but traded it for the XP-20. This little amp can and does command with authority. The reviews of the sound are dead on. I also use a ELAN Z cooling fan as well; it of course runs hot so the fan helps.
I received my Pass Labs XA25 today. It easily drives my 804s and it is actually runs just as cool if not cooler than my emotiva xpa 2 at high volume. It barely gets warm to my amazement. Sound quality is spectacular even though it is yet to be broken in. I think I will invest in the Pass Labs Hpa 1 headphone/preamp combo as a preamp. I like to keep things simple. I don't need any bells or whistles for my 2 channel listening. Thanks again for the advice.
Awesome! Glad to hear you're pleased with it! Let than warm up before listening. Give it a good hour at least. I give my F5 2 hours but it clearly opens up around an hour depending on ambient temperature. That thing should idle as hot as a mug of coffee. 120°F or more. 
Although I suspect that you would have been very likely satisfied with the Parasound A21 amplifier I believe you selected the better sounding amplifier. I’m glad you weren’t swayed by those suggesting the Pass XA25 would be under powdered for your speakers. Congratulations and I’m happy for your very successful outcome. You describe the sound quality as "spectacular" that pretty much says it all. Just think about this, sound quality will improve as hours of use accumulate. 
Completed my demo of the xa-25 a week ago. It was a great amp. Smooth and warm (warmer than my Coincident Franks) and really nice bass performance. In the end I did decide to stick with the 300bs however. They were a bit more "real" and holographic. I think maybe a bit more accurate too as far as imaging goes. Close call though, the pass was really a great amp.