MAC Autoformers?

Someone is selling a MAC MA6500 Integrated claiming its superiority over the Ma6600 due to the fact that "it does not have the degrading autoformer design found in the MA6600". That is the first time I've heard a claim that the autoformer was a hindrance to better performance; I thought quite the opposite. What do you MAC Maves think?

Please spell out an abbreviation the first time you use it. What is Le to you? Leakage inductance?

Prove you wrong about what?
Thats not what I am here for. :)
Interesting discussion. I’ve always wanted a McIntosh. The big integrated with the 5-band EQ. The only thing ever stopping me was my pocketbook. 
Le is borrowed from T/S (Thiele Small) for inductance of a coil.
Everything is clear with the design.
They used a low voltage relatively high current design.
Actually, I have stumbled upon opinions about superiority of current amplifiers many times. There we have it.
Low frequency is not a problem when there is no DC offset and the permeability is big.
It is interesting if the MC2K is even more low voltage. 2kW into 1 Ohm is 44.7V and 44.7A, in 0,5 Ohm it is 31,6V and 63,3A.
Power wise, 2 kW requires 20 transistors, current wise 5 to 7.