Looking for a new (used) phono preamp to replace EAR834

I am looking for a new to me used tube based phono preamp to replace my EAR834. I have a VPI Classic 3 with Hana SL cartridge right now. Looking for a warmish/liquid sound for mainly vocal focused recordings. Would like to stay below $2K in used market. Open to suggestions slightly above this too.

Thoughts on how the EAR834 compares to the Allnic H1201 or the Fosgate Signature?
I would consider  this new unit, at your price.


I've used my Foz V2.0 since it was introduced. I have demoed it against a few current, popular tubed units. Subjectively, the Foz is isn't overshadowed by its contemporaries.

If you find one, get the 2nd version(orange lights, not blue)
I have seen them cheap-$1200-1500.

When I was shopping for a new phonostage, I found this, and the Cary is mentioned.


I too have a VPI Classic, going thru the Foz and tube amp.

There is a used, current model, Herron for sale here now for a little over your budget and a brand new Allnic H1500 for sale also for $3,500.00. The Allnic is a steal at that price.
The EAR is a nice unit. have you thought about the Yoshino upgrades?

if not, the Manley Chinook is a step up. and another unit to look at is the Tavish Design Phono stage. super well built and very good sounding.
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If you are willing to stretch your budget then there can be no doubt the Herron is the way to go. Even the oldest, earliest Herron is leagues better than anything mentioned here, and if you can reach the new VTPH 2A it is as good as anything that COULD be mentioned here. Its what I sold my PH3 SE for and have been enjoying the last three months or so. Its not warm, except when compared to a lot of what's supposed to be in its class. Its just.... right.

The Herron VTPH 2A is the only component I can think of that can honestly be considered a steal even at full retail.