Phono Protractor. Recommendations?

After purchasing a new Cartridge recently, I'd like to purchase a good protractor.  There are so many available, each claiming to be the one to have, I'm confused.  
What do you recommend?
Send an email to Mike Fremmer.  He knows this stuff better than anyone I know.
Is the SMARTractor more precise than the UNI-protractor? I ask because I have the UNI, and actually prefer my old Wallytractors.
wrm, I too own the UNI, not the Smartie.  The way I think of it, the Smartie is an evolution of the UNI.  The UNI actually costs or used to cost more.  The problem with my early production UNI is that it does not have metric graduations on the cross arm that spans the distance from spindle to pivot.  Ergo, it is not possible to use it directly to set up a new tonearm de novo.  This function is provided for by the Smartie, on the other hand.  If I were starting over, I would by the Smartie. 

One of the reasons I like to use the Feickert, at least to set P2S, is that it does provide metric P2S distance markings.  I have often set up the tonearm itself first using the Feickert and then done the rest of the job of aligning the cartridge with my UNI.  Acoustic Sounds did update the UNI with a cross arm that does bear distance markings, after I bought mine.  They offered to sell me the updated cross arm, but I declined to make the purchase due to the high cost.  Does your UNI have markings for precise establishment of P2S? If so, you were lucky to get a later production version.

Louis, The P2S distance is entirely a property of the tonearm, regardless of what turntable you are using.  So, look up the value for your VPI tonearm, either by consulting VPI or on Vinyl Engine, etc.  If it's 258mm, as Wlutke suggests, you are done.
Lewm, thanks for details. No, my positioning arm has no demarcations at all; it's just clear acrylic. I did buy the P2S tool when Daniel brought it out -- as I recall, he offered a special discount to UNI owners. It dovetails nicely with the UNI to provide exact P2S for tonearm mounting. Sounds like the SMART essentially offers both in one package, without the need for all the separate templates.