Spam threads gone wild...

Hey moderators...There are exactly 20 spam threads right now. How about paying some attention to keeping these off the forums instead of censoring every harmless word that I say? 
I had to use the "I'm not a robot" feature and thought it was a clever idea. In my case it was storefronts; it looked like Google street view. My only criticism was the images were poor quality.

What I don't understand is that the offenders must know by now that their spam is a useless and futile effort to snag someone. I think it's more malicious in intent than we give credit. Cultural differences aside, they can't be that stupid and inept.

All the best,
I relly do not 'get' the overreaction to having to pass over a few (yeah maybe dozens) of CLEARLY spam posts/threads.. all at the top of the lists. never deep in them, none in good threads..I have seen a half dozen Korean threads. I have no need to click on them. Nor on any suspicious posts with headers to watch so fist fight, or whatever.. WHO CARES!!! I trust the powers that be are concerned and working on a solution. Other than that, my panties are not in a bunch over it. Nor should yours be either.           
I know audiophiles can be obsessive... . relax.