Spam threads gone wild...

Hey moderators...There are exactly 20 spam threads right now. How about paying some attention to keeping these off the forums instead of censoring every harmless word that I say? 
I relly do not 'get' the overreaction to having to pass over a few (yeah maybe dozens) of CLEARLY spam posts/threads.. all at the top of the lists. never deep in them, none in good threads..I have seen a half dozen Korean threads. I have no need to click on them. Nor on any suspicious posts with headers to watch so fist fight, or whatever.. WHO CARES!!! I trust the powers that be are concerned and working on a solution. Other than that, my panties are not in a bunch over it. Nor should yours be either.           
I know audiophiles can be obsessive... . relax.
They suddenly got pretty bad for a while.

And honestly, Elizabeth, I've signed up for the black magic get a girlfriend program. Can I have a strand or two of your hair???

It seems like less members are posting new threads. In the "Past 48 hours" there are only a handful of real threads.
I believe members are spending less time on the forum; many familiar monikers haven’t been involved lately.

I know Admin said they were working on it but wow, it's still being hammered with the same spam. I can't understand how they can't fix this.
It would probably require a massive update of the forum period.

Basically a new system of having a forum, new format, the whole works.

In that new but now 'normal' forum format, the software would have the ability to combat such heavy spamming.

This old system (that you are looking at right now), that is quite unique, does not have the ability to add on spam detection packages.

This was predictable. It was just a matter of time.

The posting of spam can be done by bots, and the forum software as it exists now, would not be able to prevent it.