Audio Additives Stylus Force Gauge inconstantcy

I recently purchased an Audio Additives Stylus Force Gauge and it is driving me nuts. I get inconstant readings every time I lower the stylus onto the little black dot on the plate. Without moving the arm, every time I lower, raise, lower, etc., I get a different reading between 1.68 - 1.88. The batteries are new, device reads 0.000g at start up, calibration checks out using supplied weight, room temperature is 72F, no interference from tonearm lifter and everything is level.
Anyone else have this problem?
"The Mapleshade scale is very accurate but not great looking. Pierre has modified a jewelers scale to accept a (loooong) platform which is one of it’s drawbacks."

Mine is 10 years old, and working fine. As long as fresh batteries are in it, I seem to get consistent measurements anytime.

The platform is kind of hokey, and I've had to reglue it several times from knocking it loose. Otherwise, it does what it's supposed to do.

Thank you to all that have chimed in to my post and much appreciated is the Riverstone Audio gauge recommendation from bdp24 and Uberwaltz. I ordered one from Amazon and used it over the weekend; sure enough the Riverstone is a good scale and offers consistent results - hallelujah! One thing I did notice, however, is that it takes longer than 30 seconds to warm up and settle down. Leave it on and use it for about 5 minutes before final result becomes accurate and consistent.
I am using a unipivot VPI 3D printed tonearm with dual pivot mod. The cartridge is Lyra Etna.

@seasoned, one thing to be aware of about the Riverstone gauge is that it is so sensitive merely breathing near it will change the reading. A ceiling fan, wind from an open window, even moving your hand can change the reading. So, set your stylus down, stand still and hold your breath, and take a reading!
I use the ortofon digital scale and believe it or not, the old shure scale works great
Bought the Riverstone few years back and never looked back.

Extremely accurate and repeatable, really like the drop down bracket so stylus is then at same height it would be playing vinyl.

Unfortunately the Riverstone will not work with carts like Benz that use very powerful magnets. I tried it with my Benz Wood SL and it exhibited the classic "negative read" as the cart approached the landing zone. Both on the body platform and on the accessory arm. The folks at Riverstone confirmed they had received some reports about this with carts like Benz. I was disappointed because I otherwise really admired what Riverstone did with the design.