Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members?

It is usually the case that members engage in spirited, often passionate, discussions in threads. That’s normal. Regrettably, often those discussions veer off the tracks, where members are offended or genuinely have their feelings hurt by the content of others’ post(s). 

Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members? Your thoughts?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcelander
Celander, Your comment above just illustrates my point about how something in writing can be misconstrued.  You say that your didn't criticize anyone for using the term "triggered" (and I believe you) but when you said 'And just this morning, I lectured my 9 y/o not to use terms like “triggered,”' you implied that your were lecturing the poster.
Maybe people should just have a thicker skin to the responses their opinions provoke. Who cares what a nameless, faceless forum handle thinks except for the value somebody chooses to assign to it. 
Logic and Tropes and Schemes are no longer taught in college these days, and Debate as a "sport" is not held in high esteem any more, so arguments in any online forum (or in the general news environment today) are rife with poorly-argued posts and positions.

ARGUMENT is not historically a derogatory or negative term, but it has become so in our current culture.

Represent your POV logically and then move on.  Maybe listen to a few online college debates to learn how to express your thoughts or facts and see if some of that civility rubs off, as well as the logical and correctly-argued points.  

All this would be much more interesting with the correct approach, and people's feelings would be spared the uneducated diatrabs that sometimes occur.  Intelligence tempered by education is NOT a handicap regardless of what some people think today.

I would guess that those who revel in their lack of education still visit witch doctors when they are ill?  Probably not, huh?

Snowflakes – how will they ever make it in our world.

No matter how you’ve been educated / reared – the world is a tough place to survive and succeed. No matter what you’ve been told… everyone doesn’t win a trophy just because they participate. The world has winners and losers. The winners buck up, persevere, press on – no matter what the opposition presents. Losers fold and complain about the bullies who harass them.

Our nation needs to reinstate the selective service draft, or simply require everyone to enter the military upon high school graduation. After basic training and a few years in the Army or Marines – the Snowflakes would understand and be better prepared to survive and excel in our world – actually become winners… and… respect those that are and who persevered, even sacrificed to provide them the opportunity to become a winner.

@djohnson54 well, that was not my intention. Just going with what the discourse here was leading and dovetailing a discussion on the very same language I had with my son that morning driving to practice when he used it (yet again) after I asked him to not accept that language from his 3rd grader pals as his own. 

But it I appreciate your perspective all the same.