Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
  • elizabeth sez ...

Wondering what to make for dinner.

How about baking a nice crow pie for dinner, dear? :-)

One eats crow when they find they were in error. So far, I see no error other than wasting my time posting on a  'total fan boy' thread.When the gizmo is in every stereo in the World, and I am the last holdout. Then you can send me a dish of crow. I am betting that is never gonna happen, for magic paper or black goo.Not due to lack of trying though LOL 
Maybe by then I will develop my own version and sell it for $59.90. not $599.00, Got that patent yet?
^^^ Elizabeth ...

You are encourageable. No matter the numbers of positive results posted by A'gon members here, and a VERY positive review in StereoTimes, you continue mouthing off nonsense.

I have to ask you, what is your intent here? 

On the crow ... You WERE in error by assuming that you would get the same results from ordinary refrigerator magnet material as you would have gotten by buying a real Omega E-Mat. A total waste of your time and money.

The kicker was that you came into this thread to knock the real product because your silly experiment failed. 

Eat Crow, baby! *lol*


PS: Again, I have to ask ... what are your intentions here??
Well you know you poked the nest when Shillzilla, or is it the father of Oregon? arises from the irradiated depths of the Marianas Trench to defend the flag!
I would not waste my time posting on this thread if it did not provide total eyebrow raising chuckles.  And Frankly, excuse the pun pass the crow when hell freezes over.
oldtech0 ...

I have two words for ya .... and it ain't "Happy Birthday." 

By the way, you're kinda funny. Not as in a weird kind of funny, but in a HaHa kind of funny. :-)
