Test Forum Discussions for Closing and Editor Stuff

icreating this to test out the new listing editor stuff, below is an image from elsewhere I would like for users to provide feedback on:

​​​​Oh wow I can do a caption


Heck yeah.

Updated Forum Text Editor

We've updated the Text Editor, and improved the @Mentions function.

New Features

• Additional formatting: Underline, Strikethrough and Remove

• Insert Externally Hosted Image: Need to provide an image for your post? Embed it by providing a direct URL.

• Media Embedding: Pasting a URL from whitelisted media publishers like YouTube, Tidal, Spotify, Giphy, Flickr, Twitter, and more will automatically embed the content dynamically.

• Emoji Menu & Support: 🤔 🙌 👂 🔊

• Improved Mentions: Fixed inconsistent tagging bug and updated logic (recent commenters weighted in suggestions). Avatars now included.

@jroberson did you get an in-app notification? You have that unchecked in preferences.

Timely that this forum discussion was created as we were in the process of adding new functionality to the Forums.

We’ve fixed the inconsistent tagging bug, and updated the logic for @-Mentions. Recent Commenters are weighted in the initial suggestions, with users filtered as you type their handle. We’ve also included avatars, if present, to make it a bit easier. Below is a screensht of what that looks like.


As some users mentioned, there is a difference in the the notifications you can receive. When you get mentioned, you will receive an in-app notification (bell icon at top-right). The checkbox in your Notification Settings controls whether or not you also get an email.


In addition to the mentions fix, we’ve also rolled out new functionality on the Forums. For full details, visit the Forum Updates 11/12/2021 discussion.