Acoustic Zen Crescendos- Any Owners Out There?

I recently heard the AZ Crescendos at a dealer and loved their sound. I ordered them soon after that, and they are supposed to ship next week.
I read a lot about people hearing them at CES, RMAF, etc., and loving the sound. But I usually don't see anyone posting on how they sound at home...
Any owners care to share their experience?
As I said, mine are just about on their way, and I'm really looking forward to delivery.
BTW, I am replacing Monitor Audio GS 60's with the Crescendos. What was your prior speaker?
Thanks for any thoughts.
Looking forward to your report. There's only been one review so far as I know, by Jim Merod in some webzine. He loved them. Would love to hear more opinions and also very much interested in comparisons against other speakers. What else did you compare these to?
I got to hear these speakers a few weeks ago at an audio meet. They were driven by a pair of Tim Rawson build Aleph monos which was driven directly by an Ayon CD-2 with AZ cabling throughout.

They sounded pleasant to me. Gigantic stage, very full bodied but nimble sound, very resolving but somehow they missed a certain magic for me. Speaking with other attendees after the event, it appears I was not alone in this regard.

My speaker budget is a little more than 1/3 of the price they fetch and to me it was a relief that I didn't go home and hate my system. In fact I appreciated what it does more.

I would add that I suspect they'd do significantly better with tube power.

I hope they work well with your gear and room! Congrats on the purchase they are gorgeous.
Hey Gopher, I was there too. The Crescendo's in that room certainly had a bass problem. It may be the dreaded one note bass that I usually find typical with transmission line enclosures.

The overall speaker just didn't sound coherent to me either. A piano piece I played sounded more like an electric than a live acoustic grand. Maybe it was because the speaker sounded so overly controlled. The lifelike quality just wasn't present IMO.

I was expecting a lot from this speaker and came away disappointed also. Setup? Amp mismatch? Who knows but it didn't work for me.
I am most definitely not experiencing one note bass. In fact, the bass of the Crescendos seems more articulate than my previous speakers, Monitor Audio GS 60's.
I am hesitant to post any type of full review just yet for several reasons. The speakers are too new, an I'm no Harry Pearson.
Here are a few comparisons with some speakers I've demo'd in my house recently:
ZU Audio Definitions- the treble is much better integrated in the Crescendos. The Definitions had certain high frequencies that would just leap out at you. They also did not image as well as the Crescendos. The guys at Zu suspected an amp mismatch, and I have no reason to dispute this. Bass was not as articulate as either the GS 60's or the Crescendos.
Reference 3a Grand Veena- This speaker sounded very good overall, but would harden up at any volume over 95db. I would expect this in a small stand mounted speaker, but this was a 50" floorstander. The Crescendo does not sound quite as open, but does high volume much better. Bass in the Crescendo is also fuller, and to my ears just as articulate.
Monitor Audio GS60- This is a great speaker. I have spent 3 years looking to better them. What I don't care for in them is a lean tonal balance. What I love about them is their very open sound and a tremendous ability to play loudly with no strain.
Take these comparisons for what they are- I don't have a perfect room, nor perfect ears. I am not necessarily going for absolute neutrality, but a sound that is pleasing to me.
Lastly, these thoughts are based on 3 day old speakers, hardly broken in. The amplifier used is the LSA Signature integrated.
I will post further thoughts as they break in.