Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Sukihock, Eric does prefer to do business over the phone. He's a busy guy and doesn't have a chance to sit in front of the computer often. I have a pair of the OB4.5s. Zman and gpowered, if you thought imaging was scary on the Lores/Katz...you ain't seen (heard) nothin'! What the little OB4.5s lack in bass, they more than make up for in soundstaging, imaging, and that eerie realism. The click of a saxophone's valves and the parting of Jane Monheit's lips before her first note are not uncommon. I honestly don't miss the dynamics of floorstanding speakers at this point. The intimacy of the music is almost addictive. Eric truly is a nice guy, and I believe him to be an honest man in terms of recommendations and salesmanship. We have talked a few times since my purchase about amp upgrades, etc.

I will second, er, third the build quality comments. Eric is truly a professional when it comes to speaker building.

I am around 80-90 hours now, and I am now running my Lores with Quicksilver Mini Mites. The Decware SE84c was also a great combo but the Quicksilvers suit me better for the music I listen to and the size of the room. What a heavenly combination this is, guys! Wow! A deeeeeeeeep, holographic soundstage and amazing musicality and dynamics. Tone is thick, tight, and musical. This is the perfect match. I am also running a Cary CDP-1 cdp with a Dcca powercord. Cables are all Q-cable pure copper type 2 litz.

I could not imagine someone opting to spend more $. This is best system I've owned, better than $12K + systems I've owned. I honestly do not detect any weaknesses with this setup. It is that good! I have been kicking this hobby around since '99 and it has never been so enjoyable. The Lores get better and better... in every positive change I have made on my front end, the Lores have responded with better clarity, extension, realism, dynamics, you name it!

I have to admit, with respect, thank the good Lord I stayed this course and did not order the competition. The Lores are fantastic!! I will report back when everything is broken in. The Mini Mites only have 25 hours on them so this is system is not even at its potential.
Sukihock - wise choice, I admit I have not heard the latter, but I know a couple experienced (note: experienced; not home theater dorm kids) audiophiles who have and one of them didn't care much for it, while the other liked it but not enough to keep him from upgrading to the SuperFly. For those that know me, I go through speakers like hot cakes. I've owned over 15 speakers in the past 3 years. Just ask my wife... I have driven her nuts, lol. Guess what, the Lores are a KEEPER!! Get some good tubes for the front end and get ready for a treat!
Thanks to all who have increased my confidence in throwing my next hard earned dollars Eric's way. Yeah I spoke to him recently about the Model 81en with the Fostex FE206en driver. I just sold my Sierra-1 here and I was looking to replace with another monitor. Just sick of the crossover designs and that's what lead me to Eric. I agree though he seems like a good guy and it's frankly refreshing to know that so many of you are getting a realistic performance return for your dollar. I'll just have to decide whether to go with the 81en ($475) or Lore ($850). My room is about 12x15x8. The Sierra's were plenty for a room this size but the Lore's are quite tempting.
Gpowered - since you've owned so many speakers I'll ask you. Do the Lore's super-tweeter call attention to itself? How would you characterize the overall temperature of the speakers's overall tone? I really wanted a pure full range speaker. I'm assuming there's no x-over on the 10" and just some sort of filter on the super-tweeter? How well do the two elements complement each other? BTW, to all concerned about lack of professional reviews, I too prefer this type of real consumer feedback to make my purchasing decisions. Glad I found this post on the Lore!!