Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Speaking with Zu experience. The main driver runs full range without a crossover, covering 30hz-12khz. The supertweeter then has a capacitor and resistor inline from the main driver ensuring it fills in the highs from 12-20khz.

Not a traditional 2 way design but maybe 1.5way!
1 1/2 way is a correct description of the Zu and Tekton speakers. A near full range main driver with a tweeter for help on the top end.
The key is that the main driver (90%?? of the music) is connected directly to the amp. No crossover to muck things up.
Is this why Radio Shack sold alot of "super tweeters" in the 70's? For people who older single driver speakers?