Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

This thread has died off so I thought it a good time to ask.

Who still has their Lore or what ever model? Still happy?

Same as above for Omen owners.

If you changed speaker, to what and why?

I for one still have my Lore's. I'm serously thinking of upgrading the cross overs. I bought them used so although the caps would cost as much as the speakers did, I think the end result will be better than if I sold them and spent the same amount on something different. ($1300.00)
GLEN BECK? I was seriously interested in these speakers but hearing that the company owner is a fan boy of Glen Beck who sent him a pair as a gift kind of puts me off buying them.
Usually a mistake to mix politics and business these days.
I would buy these before I bought something from China but there are plenty of other choices out there of other US made speakers.
01-09-13: Andysf
GLEN BECK? I was seriously interested in these speakers but hearing that the company owner is a fan boy of Glen Beck who sent him a pair as a gift kind of puts me off buying them.
I never begrudge anyone their beliefs. I do not smile when I think of a world where everyone thinks like I do.
" I was seriously interested in these speakers but hearing that the company owner is a fan boy of Glen Beck who sent him a pair as a gift kind of puts me off buying them."

Thats your loss, and childish I might add.