What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.

I would have to disagree, not everyone can deal with the coloration of horns , some can some can't and when driven with the right amplifier Apps don't lack for dynamics IMO.

Before the usual culprits tag in, this is Audio , no checkered flag, I'm expressing my opinion of what works for me and why, if you like horns and 120 db fine..


"In selecting a speaker, especially at the highest levels of performance, individual likes and dislikes play important roles. Some people may be bothered by the Uno's residual horn coloration, even though its magnitude is small. "

The measurements are well ...!!!


Typical of what is seen on high eff speakers, very difficult to get high sensitivity and a good balance. the broadband level across the upper mids will push the sound forward and while big on details will have tonal issues and a poor balance as the Bass is sacrificed for the mid details and without hearing this particular model ( i have heard other AG speakers) it would be lean and pinky on pianos with an artificial air on violins, tubby dis-jointed Bass due to the excessive dip in the mid/bass/mid area.

Now many claim this type speaker is magic on SET's and this maybe true , SET's lack top end resolution vs SS, and a UNO on SS amps would have you ducking for cover IME.

I guess if you like to listening to 105db + in your home then i can see the attraction of Horns and based on Atmasphere's comments about horns and panel speakers having similar openness it is not far fetched to recommend he give a panel speaker a listen.

Yep a panel speaker with a sub might be the trick , as far as Apps go, i would recommend the mini-grand for his room.

If I could handle them, very big and expensive horns and a good flea powered amp are the only thing I would consider as an alternative to what I have, larger OHM Walsh speakers running of the most powerful yet compact and efficient Class D amps I could afford.

This approach is the total opposite of Avantgarde, but as such it achieves very excellent results using lots of power and muscle.

mbl 101s is another radically different approach that might also achieve results that raise the bar.

Neither will sound like Avantgarde though. Very different!
Another speaker design that can raise the bar in the right application in the right room (generally larger) and with the right amps are large multi-driver line source designs.
I am currently using Beauhorn Virtuosos with Wavelength 300b or 45 amps, and I'm extremely happy with this set-up. Either combination can easily overpower my small apartment. I will be moving within a year to a house. I plan to then utilize my JBL 4550 horns. 300Bs on bottom and 45s on top with an electronic crossover. My additional plan is to be staying with these.
Renmeister, when you owned your Unos did you ever consult with Jim Smith regarding the woofer integration? As the former but longest running importer for Avantgarde in the US, he likely knows more about them and their proper set up for optimal performance than anyone.

Most anyone who has considered any model of Avantgarde knows their reputation for importance of set up. I certainly have not heard a large number of horn speaker designs but I will say the AGs I heard set up by Mr, Smith sounded more like live music than about anything I experienced, and without the typical horn colorations.