Modified Jolida JD100A or Cary Cd308T

I realize the price difference. Is the Cary worth the extra money for HDCD decoding and remote volume control?
could you switch the 1716 for the 1704u in the jolida without making any other adjustments to the unit?
Unlikely Arthur. Anyway, I am pretty sure the Jolida uses Phillips DACs, not Burr Browns.
I haven't heard the Jolida, but I do have the Cary 308-T and its a wonderful CD player. I was pretty much all set to buy a Jolida and had saved a bit more than I needed. But I decided that I really did want HDCD. So I researched the Cary and WOW great reviews, terrific specs, and wonderful features.

I saved a bit more, and bought a 308-T on A'gon about a month ago.

I couldn't be happier with the sound, the build quality and the features. It's a great CD Player.

Paul Green
Arthur, I found something a little odd. My info from about a year ago specifies a Philips UDA1351 DAC, but.... according to the latest data from Jolida it is now a Burr-Brown PCM1706. Go figure. I'll be opening mine next week (tube roll) so I'll take a look.

The 1716 is 28 pin and the 1704 is 20, so I'd figure no swapping without adding a socket or board modifications.

I digress, my opinion is the associated electronics play a bigger role than the DAC itself. Subjectively speaking of course. I find the Jolida, especially with tube tweaking, to be an excellent performer considering its price. I havent had the 308T in my system but I bet its no slouch. Cary makes fine products.