Which amp to drive Verity Parsifal Ovation Monitor

I am considering purchasing either a Simaudio 600i or Pass Labs Int-30A to drive Parsifal Ovation MONITORS. I use JL fathom powered subs to augment the monitors bass response. I listen at moderate volume levels in a medium large room (26x16). I currently use a cj CA200 int amp and am thinking of switching.

Thanks for your advice. To those who recommend a tube amp, do you have any specific recommendations? Ideally I'd like to stay with an integrated amp.
I have used a Cary SLI 80, and a BAT VK300xse with my Parsifal Encores. While the Cary was great with Fidelios, it was a bit thin with the Parsifals. However the BAT really is a great match.

In your situation using only the monitors you may prefer the Cary.

Just a couple more options..
A French reviewer just loved the Yamaha a-s2000 integrated amp with his Verity Parsifal Ovation's !