
Responses from kettle7830

Climbing the Preamp ladder
I would try the Wadia directly into the amp since the dac has volume.  You may be surprised how good it can sound. I ran a PS Audio dac directly into my Stereo 88 and later a Stereo 100 amp with great success. And it doesn't cost anything to try.O... 
KT-120 tubes vs Gold Lion KT88's
I have used both and feel the KT 120s are the more balanced from top to bottom. However both sets seem to be a bit dark. I was wondering if the original EH Kt88s would be an improvement. 
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade
I have been using the Treos with a Vandy sub for over a year now. It sounds like all of the things you were missing in the Treo auditions could be corrected with a sub or 2. 
ARC VSI 60 vs Cary SLI 80 or BAT 300xse
Just an update since this thread came back to life. I ended up having the Cary, ARC and BAT all in house for about 2 months. In the end I settled with the ARC VSI-60. I think system dependent, they are all great amps. The ARC was just the best mat... 
PS Audio PWD II opinions?
I went from a Cullen mod PSIII to a Nuwave with great improvement. Soon after I bought the PWD II. The PWDII is a very significant improvement and well worth the investment. 
Vandersteen Treo's
I have used a Cary SLI-80, BAT 300Xse, and an ARC VSI-60. Of the 3 the ARC amp is the best match. 
ARC VSI 60 vs Cary SLI 80 or BAT 300xse
I am using the SE (6h30) version of the BAT. Both the Cary and BAT are great sounding in their own way but may lean to the dark and warmer side of the spectrum. Based on past experience with ARC gear (VT-50,LS-15) I was hoping that the VSI-60 woul... 
PSAudio in trouble?
I have been using the Nuwave Dac for about 2 months and am very satisfied with the unit. I preferred the NuWave over my Cary 306/200. Being in manufacturing I have to give credit to PS Audio for what they are doing. I believe the Nuwave is worth t... 
Cary SLI-80 with KT-120 tubes?
I have tried 6550's, KT88's, el34's, kt77's, and recently the KT120's in the Cary. They all have their merits, but with the right speakers I prefer the EH el 34 the most. I think in triode it has a wonderful balance.However the lower wattage of th... 
Golden Reference VS Golden Cross
I have worked my way through the Cardas line with Neutral, Presence, GR, and now finally Clear. I think any one of the cables would be great. The thing that keeps me comming back to Cardas is the organic quality of the sound from any of the produc... 
Best integrated amp tube or hybrid up to $7000?
It sounds like a BAT 300X might work for you. You have a choice of all solid state, 6922 tube pre, or 6h30 tube pre. 
Which amp to drive Verity Parsifal Ovation Monitor
I have used a Cary SLI 80, and a BAT VK300xse with my Parsifal Encores. While the Cary was great with Fidelios, it was a bit thin with the Parsifals. However the BAT really is a great match.In your situation using only the monitors you may prefer ... 
Need Rec--Affordable Proac D25-esque speaker
Watch for a used pair of the original Response 2.5 speakers. They come up here used and should be in your price range. 
EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??
I do not know the power output of the EL34s. I am sure a quick e-mail or call to Cary would give you the answer. However I have used Proac 2.5s and Verity Fidelios in triode mode with great success. 
EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??
The Cary SLI 80 can also use EL34s, along with many other output tubes. I find the Cary sounds best with the EL34s in triode (switchable from pentode on the fly).