Powering Infinity Prelude MTS

Wanted some input on how you's with the MTS are powering them and which way you prefer.

Do you power them with just speaker outputs from your amp?
Do you power them with the output from your preamp and then your amp?
There may be some with other type systems... chime in.
Which do you prefer? Why?

Have been trying both ways and can't really tell much of a difference except for the bass.

Seems like I get a little more bottom end with direct from my amp.

Short info on my 2-channel system...

Speakers: Infinity Prelude MTS
Preamp: Krell Audio Video Standard
Amp: Krell KSA-250
Cables: Monster Sigma
I connect the entire system direct to the amplifiers (Wyetech Labs Topaz SET mono-blocks or Bryston 14B-SST2 s/s amp). Nice speakers, but one of the mid-range drivers and a tower woofer has started buzzing with certain types of music... hope I'll be able to source new drivers...
Yea, I feel your pain.
Haven't had that problem since going with Krell amplification. And we play LOUD!
Had 2 midranges that had started buzzing when I was powering them with my Phase Linear gear. No problems now. Maybe just a coincidence?

You can still get the Woofer & Tweeter through Harman. Already got a backup of both just in case. Paid around $54 for each one, through Harman, about a month ago.

As far as the Midrange Driver. Good luck. Finding those are TUFF.
Have two I purchased last year for the same reason.

It definitely shouldn't be your amps. You have great amps there.
Some were over-driving them with lesser amps.

Have you ever tried the hook-up from your preamp?

Thanks for your 2 cents...
Hi Joysjane, thanks for the heads up re the woofer and tweeter. I don't think it's an amplification issue as I can hear a slight scraping sound when I push the particular mid-range and woofer manually with my thumb(with no music playing) to simulate an excursion. There is no scraping with the other drivers.

Where did you source the mid-range unit from last year?

No, I have never tried hooking the pre-amp direct to the woofer. I use these speakers as a secondary system and therefore haven't experimented with them much in the year and a half or so that I've owned them. One thing I haven't been able to nail perfectly with regards to speaker positioning is image stability and focus - my PMC speakers always seem to 'lock' vocals more tightly between the speakers than the Preludes - do you toe in your speakers, and if so, at what angle from the listening position? Also, how far away have you kept them from the back walls?
Yep, definitely the voice coil.
What I meant by amplification was that people were pushing the Preludes too hard with lesser amps and ending up damaging the voice coils. Mostly folks with receivers.
You wouldn't have that issue with your amps.
I didn't mean that it was your amp that was the problem.

I was lucky enough to catch Harman at the beginning of last year when they happened to have gotten some midrange drivers in.
I was on a list to have them contact me if they had gotten some in stock.

Harman said they (MTS' Midrange Drivers) won't be available through them anymore.
I still keep contacting them just in case.

Once in a while you can find someone selling them on ebay.

I do have mine toed in. They're focused about 3' behind my listening position.
I've had the best luck with them 4' from the rear wall and 3' from the side walls.
I'm 10' from the speakers and they're spaced about 10' apart.

How are your speakers set up from your listening position? Distance, width, toed?
Have you experimented much with different placement?

They're sweet speakers!!!
Agree these are very beautiful speakers. I drive mine with 12 watt Wavelength Cardinal 300B monoblocks, and haven't had voice-coil failure. I don't have them toed-in.

For owners that have had problems, it's a shame that Harman Kardon doesn't provide better parts support.