Powering Infinity Prelude MTS

Wanted some input on how you's with the MTS are powering them and which way you prefer.

Do you power them with just speaker outputs from your amp?
Do you power them with the output from your preamp and then your amp?
There may be some with other type systems... chime in.
Which do you prefer? Why?

Have been trying both ways and can't really tell much of a difference except for the bass.

Seems like I get a little more bottom end with direct from my amp.

Short info on my 2-channel system...

Speakers: Infinity Prelude MTS
Preamp: Krell Audio Video Standard
Amp: Krell KSA-250
Cables: Monster Sigma
Thanks for the update. These are extremely good speakers. It's a shame that Harman quit making them.

Im jumping on this thread because its hard to find other Prelude MTS owners. I've never likes the sound of the preludes and was hoping for your feedback...

My two primary complaints are:
1) high-end is very bright
2) difficult to optimally place towers when on subs as subs perform better in different locations.

I listen and measure frequency response with REW (mic and frequency sweeps that show frequency and time domain measurements, often used for room correction and/or digital x/o).

My related components are: "audiophile" pc Jriver MC playing redbook, 24/192 and DSD files -> firewire -> Mytek 8x192 m-ch Pro DAC -> Lexicon MC12 in analog bypass mode (to only use volume control) -> Theta Dreadnought m-ch amp

Do any of you share my feeling of overly bright and imperfect integration of sub with tower?

Thanks in advance!!

1) I agree that all signals to the sub use the sub amp

2) I've deciphered the switch positions one the sub (1, 2, 3) and what they do in various configs (basically pass speaker signal (vs line) or not; filter frequency response to sub or not (set high frequency limit, i.e x/o or none)

3) Im still testing line vs speaker connection to sub, but will likely use line, si I can bypass internal x/o in tower and sub and drive as 4 speakers using digital x/o to flatten frequency response (remove brightness and adjust for room nodes)

...Just trying to be helpful