Wadia direct into amp, Sound a bit too lean??

Hello everyone:
I need a little help here. I'm using my Wadia 861se direct into my Rowland 302 amp, but the sound is a bit too lean for my taste. I'd like to make the sound of my system to be fuller by changing the ICs. Any comment will be helpful. The rest of my system are: Avalon Eidolon, Acoustic zen silver reference II ICs, Hologram II speaker cables, MIT oracle AC2 for wadia.

I'd get rid of the AZ silver reference and try the matrix copper instead...seriously.

Not to slight Wadia, however at one time I had the 270/27ix combo. I picked up a Levinson 390S on a whim and ended up selling the Wadia combo. I find the Wadia players algorythms to add a "sheen" to the sound that doesn't appeal to me. A friend recently brought his 861SE over for a shootout. Same cables on both players, same CD, level matched the volume. 2 weeks later he called me after he picked up a 390S as well. He runs the 390S direct. The Levinson has an analog volume control instead of the bit-stripping digital piece Wadia employs.

For the longest time, I thought that Wadia would be the "be all, end all". Perhaps for some, and again it will also be system dependant. I'm not here to knock any brand, only to report my findings.

I have also found that I am better served by a good preamplifier than I was running the Wadia or the Levinson direct.


Paul :-)
Thanks again for all the replies. I just got a AZ Marix Reference II for a home audition, and it does give a fuller body to my system. I'll definitely try to get a pair of Cardas ICs for home audition too. As for the output voltage, I don't think I can go higher than .5v for my set up, If I go any higher, I won't be able to keep the volume above 90.
I own a Wadia 850 and had a similar problem with lean bright sound. When I ran short interconncets the sound changed for the better. I used Coincident CST's. They can take a while to break-in but well worth the wait. The change with the shorter ic's was not subtle. Try it. Also consider maple platforms and brass footers from Mapleshade. This to will reduce the internal vibrations which can brighten the sound.
I've noticed that although a preamp adds to another link in the chain. Running directly from source to amp (even though some sources have an attenuator) the sound is not as airy and the soundstage seems compressed.

i have also found that running my Wadia 861 thru my tube pre is much better than running directly into amp. I do not think that Wadia's digital volume is anything to write home about. It does the job of attenuating the sound but i personally do not think that it can provide the soundstage depth & width & height that a really good preamp can. Hence, after comparing w/ tube preamp & direct to amp for several weeks, i setup the system thru the tube preamp & I bypassed the DSP-based volume control (set it to 100). never regretted it one bit!