Revel Ultima Salon 2's vs B&W 802d's

Alrighty, I've seen some discussion here on these speakers. I'm currently doing a demo in my home on the Revels vs the B&W 802d's (I own both). In the near future I'm selling one or the other pair here.

Suggestions for the demo (i.e. CD's)?
Things to look for?

They both sound good and have different characteristics. I'll post some thoughts later - I've got some opinions now, but I want a longer test with these speakers.

Now guys I don't need to hear how this or that speaker is better than these two - I'll do another comparison later (IOW's no hobby horse discussions).

PS. I'm an old fart so some of my high end hearing is gone. I'm trying to listen a bunch before I go deaf and to ingrain good sound into my synapses.
Ag insider logo xs@2xnab2
Sorry about my delay in response, I’ve been without internet access (in the wilderness) and haven’t been able to respond.

To Mribob:
Point taken on the amps – that’s why I was asking for opinion on amplification. Part of my question was, given the two amps that I have whether one might sound better He and also looking for reasonably priced suggestions for amplification in the future (and whether to biamp).

I’m aware of the price differential, but in the used market the differential partially evaporates (the B&W’s hold their resale better) so that the 802d’s sell for around 9000 and the Revels for around 12,000. Instead of an 8000 difference in list you have a closer price point with the 800d’s falling in between.

To Mr_M
First, regarding my “need” of comments if I’ve already determined a winner: Read the posts, I haven’t already determined a winner, what I have done is reached PRELIMINARY conclusions (I figured I’d shout too). You might also note that I started the thread on April 4, on April 16 I made some observations, asked about placement and amplifiers again, and on April 19th I said that my initial impression was that the Revel’s “killed” the 802s. I’m still open for suggestions as to placement of speakers (thanks to James63 for your comments with which I agree BTW), CD’s to listen to that might show off the 802’s or the Revels and amplification suggestions. Let me refine my comments: I shouldn’t have said a “blanket”, it’s more like a sheet.

Second, you ask if I would have kept the 802’s if I thought the Revels were better but folks said the 802’s were better: No, but that’s not the point is it? Read the thread, I asked for things to look for etc in the demo and I asked for amplification advice. I didn’t ask for YOU to tell me which one to keep. Though I am curious what other folks think about the strengths/weaknesses of the speakers.

I’ve got to say that I’m amazed at audiophiles like YOU who seem to want to shut off discussion because “it’s all in the ear of the behearer” and it’s all personal preference anyway. Good grief. Haven’t you ever been to a restaurant and tried someone else’s dish? Or talked about a meal that you enjoyed someplace and found that you had a different opinion from others who ate there, but you enjoyed the conversation just the same? Well, I generally do too until one of the folks says something like “You know I’ve talked to some really well known restaurateurs around here and they think you’re wrong about that dish. Hey I’ve been eating food for 38 years and it still amazes me of what people think is good and what is not. Heck, it’s all about individual taste buds anyway, but you all seem pretty knowledgeable here and I’ve enjoyed the conversation.” Pretty well shuts down the discussion at that point, don’t it?

Friend, I'm not hitting on your speakers - I like the 802's, this isn't a contest about who is right. It is a discussion about subjective impressions. An exercise that partially defines us as humans. I doubt if many animals are out there comparing their experiences("Hey Bert, did you hear that coyote? Keep your head down, but did you notice how sibilant he was on the last yelp there. - - Hey Bessie, how's that cud taste?").

To all
I’ll still posts some more impressions later one. In the meantime I’m still interested in what you guys/gals think and any suggestions you have. I’ve been in this hobby for longer than Mr_M and still find that I can learn things – besides my hearing ain’t what it was and I’m not willing to subject myself to the kinds of things I did when I was younger.
PS Sorry for all the typos in the previous post. I just got back and was typing for all I was worth - apparently I'm not worth much. I have no idea why the word "He" appears in my third sentence or why I wrote "posts" instead of "post" in the last paragraph. Ah well, such is life.


I never did answer your question about CDs, figured you would not like my stuff. Music is very personal and it is why I do not recommend music for demos very often. Most often what ever you are listing to most frequently at the time makes for the best demos.

With that being said I alway demo the same CDs for speakers demos and add what even I am listening to at the time. Below is a list of CDs I take, be it some are very unconventional but I have chose them for a reason. I am not really into audiophile music (jazz, classical) and the CDs I take may not be the best but they work for me.

Eric Clapton's Unplugged
- "Layla" This is an all acoustic track and will let you tell tone and timbre. The crowd clapping also gives a since of sound stage. Imaging is a little right of center on this recording though.

Michael Jackson's Bad Remastered.
- any song really, but "just good friends" comes to mind. This CD has good bass drums and bass guitar. On good speakers you can hear every pluck and strum of the bass guitar. "Bad" also has good pace and drum line

Metallica's Black album.
- This CD was a staple of my youth and if the speakers can't get rock right they have to go....

Tori Amos' Under the Pink.
- It is mostly Piano and Vocals. It is recorded pretty well. I am just listening to the upper mids hear and the scale of the piano. The CD has a bit of sibilance though and if the mids are peaky it will stand out on this CD.

Apocalytica' Inquisition Symphony.
- This is my midrange stress test, if there is a hiccup in the bass-mid-tweeter handoff you will hear it. This is a cello quartet but they cover heavy metal tracks. This CD has gotten a few raised eye brows during demos. It is very well recorded... but not for everyone. Give it a demo on itunes or amazon before you buy the CD.

Evanescence " The open door" not the best recording (its ok still) but I just like it....

Thats about it, I will add in what ever I am into at the time. I have taken everything from Devo's "Some thing for everyone" (electronic base lines) to Dream Theater to demos...

I value scale and dynamics above all things and like a high energy speaker that has a softer side too. I also need the small details to get into the music. I am VERY picky on spoken word (can't stand boxy-ness during a movie). But I am not a stickler for highs and find most "highend" speakers' highs are good enough for me.

For what it is worth B&W always show well with rock music. Turn them up and they just have a sense of power. Maybe it is the forward mids with the strong bass but it works.
Good suggestions - thanks. I've listened to several of these since you made 'em. While not all are my cup 'o tea I like several of them and appreciate the listening suggestions (the only one I have on CD is Clapton). For me it's helpful to be listening for a particular phrase in a piece of music when demoing speakers etc.

I like all kinds of music (though metal and hard rock are not really my style), but gravitate to stuff that's really engineered well (Brian Culbertson, Craig Chaquico, Keb 'Mo, Aaron Neville's "Warm Your Hear") and I tend toward smooth jazz (Grusin, Benoit, Lorber, Peter White).

I'm not really good at expressing sound with words but, when it comes to speakers I really like "dimension"/depth in the music and delicacy (i.e. being able to hear a guys fingernails or pick on the strings of a guitar).

I own some Keb 'Mo but all the other you listed are new to me. I did demo all the music you listed in itunes.

I think with your taste in music both of the speakers you have chosen will sound very nice. I think the balance of the revels will allow you to pick apart the music better and find the details in the music you like (with better timbre too). I have always thought B&Ws are a bit of a rocker brand (strong bass, strong highs, forward mids) where the revels seem to run a center line and seem to get out of their own way better.

Enjoy the music