Why so little none impressions on Focal Maestro?

everybody talks about Wilson Sasha, Vandersteen 7, Sonus faber, but this speaker which was released last year received basicaly none feedback. Is it size, price or performance are medciore to most ears? or they are so seriuos performers that do not need any talks?
dev, i also use dcs scartti, but changed now to emm xds1. better, i think. cables-vdh and echole mix.sold my tt 2 monthes ago.my room is 12mlong,7 mwide, and almost 4mhigh.
sorry for your friends losing money. h/e audio not for making money, but for making music sound good.only the dealers make money. the em line, from what iknow, is totally different (better) then the be line.to me it sounds much better ,more musical, more real and accurate.
they have now more models to fit in different rooms.try it!
Hi Focalfan, thanks for the info.

What pre-amp are you using? cross over involved?

What I'm having issues with is the $100K UPCHARGE from the G.U. BE series to the now new EM series.

Double the cost, what are they offering for $100K more?

I'll look into having another listen.
dev, vtl 7.5 mk2.you will have to listen for yourself and decide if this speaker is for you or not.
The last time I paid 50 grand for 250 lbs of anything involved a weird weekend in Acapulco with a couple of middle aged Latvian sisters…it was sort of worth it, but not unlike this thread, I was left whining about value...