Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?

Ok, I'm looking to upgrade my CD Player. It's the last part of my uber-headphone system and I'm hoping to get the best player possible for under $12k used. I know that affords me alot of options, and I imagine I'll do some travelling and testing before I buy, but I wanted some opinions first. Right now, these are the main ones I'm considering:

*Reimyo CDP-777
*Linn Sondek CD12
*Naim CDS3/XPS2
*Wadia 270/27
*Wadia 861se w/Statement mod from GNSC
*Meridian 808
*EMM Labs Meitner CDSD/Dac6
*Esoteric DV-50 with full mods from Reference Audio Mods
*Classe Omega SACD

I'm not so much into characteristics - the overall performance is more important for me. But I do need a player with great bass (both in extension, detail, and volume) as my headphones are a bit bass shy. Any reviews/comparisons would be much appreciated.
Here is a clarification about stock Digital performance.

When it comes to pure CD reproduction, cost no object, the latest Zanden combo is what you really want.

If SACD is a must, then the latest EMM Labs DCC2/DAC6 or DCC2 is the only ticket, cost no object.

no1willfan - the dac6 (and dac6e) is a multichannel DAC. the difference between the dac6 and the dac6e is that the dac6e has two sets of outputs, one balanced, one single-ended. the dac6 only has one set of balanced outs.

the dcc2 only does 2-channel, but also has a 2-channel version of meitner's fantastic preamp built in, so you don't need a separate pre.
RE Lazarus28: Thanks for the clarification. Is there any difference in sound quality between the two? If not I really wouldn't need the 6 channels with my system being a headphone system and all so I guess I'd be looking for the DCC2.

RE Aplhifi: Thanks for the Zanden suggestion. I've never even heard of them. FYI I'm just looking for a superb redbook player. I don't own any SACDs and I've put too much time and money into collecting my current CD collection to switch now. So I'm not looking for a SACD player unless it also happens to play redbook CDs really well.

Hooper -> the dCS stack I'm reffering to is 3 box solution. (You can run it without the external clock with small quality penalty, and then you have only 2 boxes).

Since you mentioned 4 boxes, I assume that you have listened to the older dCS stack - Verdi transport + Purcell upsampler. The latest transport I'm reffering to - Verdi LaScala - has the upsampling option built in, and is better sounding than Verdi + Purcel combination (for whatever reason).

I agree with you that EMM has superior resolution and dynamics. The problem of EMM gear is, that to my ears, it is a bit lean/cold sounding, the midrange lacks body and natural warmth. The EMM is like Valhalla cables in this regard - there are many ppl who swear by them, and as many (me including) who think that they sound "clean but thin".

I must also note that I have only listened to both EMM/dCS combinations on Redbook CD, so I cannot comment on their SACD performance.

It well may be true that EMM is superior on SACD, as Alex said. I personally do not care about SACD.
no1willfan: no difference in sound quality between the two, no.

the EMM gear does redbook better than anything i've ever heard, although i've not heard many of the uber high-end players.

since he's too modest to mention it, aplhifi also has several extremely well-regarded units. you'll notice that he says best "stock" performace. he believes that his modded units (based around different players) outperform these stock units mentioned here.

i cannot say whether or not they do, as i've not heard them. they're really popular, though.