Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?

Hi everyone!

I bought my very first place, and need an upgrade, but there is a lack of dealers in MD.

Before I get started, I love the SCM20 sound, and I actually dont mind the way it looks. But I know for a fact it would not be able to fill up a large space. Therefore looking for a larger speaker. I was thinking of the SCM100, but they do not mate well to my modern furniture.

Now, I don't have a wife (thank God, I am only 25), but the place will be my personal bachelor pad, and i want it to look modern and clean. The living room is about 18x27. Speakers will be on the short wall. Budge is under 6K, I can stretch it a bit, but rather not. The lower the price the better, and used of course! Inefficient speakers are welcome!

I actually went ahead and ordered a pair of the Nano monitors based on conversations I had with Rodge and and another owner who all happen to live in N.J. incidentally And after speaking with Tim, who like Rodge states is a real straight shooter I felt confident enough to order a pair without listening and Tim gave me a great deal on the prototypes. Even if you only order the speakers without the woofer monitor, Tim will stil give you the package deal price at a later time. Rodge, my wife sounds just like yours, if I get any unsolicited coments like you did then I know I hit paydirt!
thank you rodge for the information. I will have to throughly research them. Is your speaker on the short wall, and how far are you from them. It would be great if you assist me with that information if you do not mind.

My room is 18w x 27d x 9h, speakers will be placed on short wall with about 5-6 feet away from their rear wall. As for me, I will be sitting on the opposite end, with my head about 3 to 4 feet away from the rear wall. This mean the Nanos would have to project a sound pretty far out into the room to maintain a solid midrange and tonality, in addition to providing an exceptionally stable soundstage. This is something that will be hard even for my ATC SCM20.

BUT, then again, i haven't even tried the ATC in the room yet. I won't know until the condo is complete, and i can not wait!
Kinn, The way that you will set up your system, in your new condo, would be a lot to ask of most speakers out there. Tim does offer a 30 day money back gaurantee, so that may be the way to go for you and the SK speakers. Try them and if the aren't suitable send them back. I listen with the speakers on the short wall 7' into the room and 4' from the side walls. My stands for now are a couple of old bar stools that are 24" high with Herbies Fat Dots as decouplers. I sit about 10' away with the speakers pointed right at me, as specified by Tim Kroll. Since the stands are so short I'm using my beach chair to listen in. When I get a new listening chair I will have Sound Anchor make me a custom pair, till then this is it. The subs are to the outside of each speaker and on the same plane.
I had to do a complete system change to accomidate the SK speakers. As noted I sold my horn system and all of my low power tube gear. The room is in a small state of flux at the moment, but I do get some quality listening in a couple of times a week. Funny thing happened the other night. Alison Krouse and Union Station Live was on and I had to get up out of the chair for a moment. When I did, the sound stage came up with me, I felt like Alison was full size right in front of me, unfortunatly the rest of the band was there with her. These speakers are kinda' spooky that way.
Just a FYI In case anyone is trying to reach SK their mail server is unavailable. I spoke with Tim earlier and their building suffered a lightning strike wreaking havoc with their servers,so if for any reason you're trying to reach them do so by phone
ATC SCM 100s! Great, great speaker. You can get them with just about any finish, so it will match your furniture. :)