Ayre C5xe or APL 3910 ?

I not too long ago heard the Ayre C5xe and was totally blown away on all formats at the amount of resolution, detail retrieval and it's dynamic yet smooth sound. I must admit I'm ready to pull the trigger on it, but before I do just wanted to know if there is anything better in it's price class of $6K or less. So far what comes to mind is the APL 3910 at $5K but there is no way I can possibly audition one of these so I would like some insight from those of you who have heard both players. Please, lend me your golden ears!
Hi Orjazzm,

I have heared the Ayre on a couple of occasions at a dealer. While I have a Ayre K1x pre-amp that I love, I have not been overly enthused about the Ayre player. At the dealer where I listened to the Ayre, my clear preferance was the Shanling T-300. It was to me the best sound there by a good margin.

I have bought a APL Denon 3910 used (here), that was sold by an individual who I believe did not like the sound. I have loved 90% of what this player is doing, but have been working on cables to better portray the players ability (I had silver cables in my system trying to improve the speed and upper detail of an older Rega Planet). I now have my cables sorted out, and can say that the player has extreme accuracy, tonal balance, and inner detail. I believe the APL equals or exceeds the performance of the T-300.

I have sent the player off to Alex at APL for the latest chip to be installed. I think I will be very happy with the outcome, although I am missing my music while the player is gone.

The most impresive player that I have heard, for my tastes, is the Linn CD12. I do not have the luxury to afford one. However, the APL is very close, and I can not say how close without hearing the two side by side.

Good luck on your journey,

I auditioned the Ayre in my system and thought it was the best thing I had heard. I have not heard ANY modded players though. Other players I Have auditioned are ARC CD3II, Cary (I forget the model (it's the one before the very newest out now)), Linn, Sony SACD 1, etc. I own a Theta Miles (bal.) and nothing I had heard made me want to drop the big $$$$........... the Ayre on the other hand...... Well, if I could afford it right now I might make the plunge.

Maybe if we do a group buy Charles Hansen might offer it for a discounted price :)
I have a Ayre and long time Linn dealer here in Ft Collins. My impression is the Linn CD12 is a very good player but compared to the Ayre C5xe there is no comparision. The Ayre has far more extension (high end) impact (dynamics and low end extention) and pure musicality (inner detail tember and harmonic structure.) The dealer, a real Linn guy, also agrees. I think when people talk about Ayre they need to be specific about whether its the evolution (e) version....It makes a big difference in both players and the pre amp (I own the K1xe also and its great in the same way)