Ayre C5xe or APL 3910 ?

I not too long ago heard the Ayre C5xe and was totally blown away on all formats at the amount of resolution, detail retrieval and it's dynamic yet smooth sound. I must admit I'm ready to pull the trigger on it, but before I do just wanted to know if there is anything better in it's price class of $6K or less. So far what comes to mind is the APL 3910 at $5K but there is no way I can possibly audition one of these so I would like some insight from those of you who have heard both players. Please, lend me your golden ears!
I auditioned the Ayre in my system and thought it was the best thing I had heard. I have not heard ANY modded players though. Other players I Have auditioned are ARC CD3II, Cary (I forget the model (it's the one before the very newest out now)), Linn, Sony SACD 1, etc. I own a Theta Miles (bal.) and nothing I had heard made me want to drop the big $$$$........... the Ayre on the other hand...... Well, if I could afford it right now I might make the plunge.

Maybe if we do a group buy Charles Hansen might offer it for a discounted price :)
I have a Ayre and long time Linn dealer here in Ft Collins. My impression is the Linn CD12 is a very good player but compared to the Ayre C5xe there is no comparision. The Ayre has far more extension (high end) impact (dynamics and low end extention) and pure musicality (inner detail tember and harmonic structure.) The dealer, a real Linn guy, also agrees. I think when people talk about Ayre they need to be specific about whether its the evolution (e) version....It makes a big difference in both players and the pre amp (I own the K1xe also and its great in the same way)
Opposite of Tvad, I have the Ayre but have not heard the APL. My c5xe is just breaking in and I bought it without hearing a demo. It has the best redbook playback I've come across and the SACD/DVD-A is mesmerizing. I have to say though that I've never owned anything in this class to compare to. The Ayre to me is 'elegant' in everything about it. Mids, Highs and bass all sound tonally correct. Stringed instruments sound like stringed instruments. Keis I'm interested in your comment about dynamics. I've found the Ayre to be the most listenable/non-fatiguing player I've heard. Mine sounds great as background music-but I find I usually only want to sit in front of it. To orjazzm, I think you would be happy with either-if you check the archives you'll find many happy owners of the APL. Lastly, I want to hear other players to compare SACD to the Ayre. I say that as the Ayre sounds so good with SACD that I can not fathom how SACD is losing popularity.
With all due respect the only issue is how well you trust aftermarket mods. Do you still paint the edges of your CDs green? Do you still support your electronics with various cone-shaped items of dubiously exotic proprietary materials? Do you lift your speaker cables above the floor with anything more expensive than a styrofoam cup? Do you think an Escalade looks better with 20" spinners? Then by all means go for the APL. With no offense meant to Alex there is no better capitalist than the recent convert. The C5xe is as to the APL as is the MB SL500 to the Escalade. Except 22" spinners are now available for the Escalade. Aftermarket, of course.