Anyone have experience with the Nanotec Nespa?

I'd be interested in your experience, including whether you have compared it with the Reality Check, used it in conjunction with the R Check, with fluids, etc. Thanks

for those not familiar:
Guys a question(I did read the 6 moons review).
Are the Nespa treated cd's permanently improved?Yes,No?
How do we buy one?Who carries the product?
Assuming the bulb lasts for 800cd's,then what?Do you change the bulb and you are good for another 800 cd's?How many cd's an average audiophile have?I would think it makes sense for the unit to be able to be rented ,used and returned for a fee.That is if the Nespa treated cd's are permanent.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your interest in the Nespa units. First once a CD is treated with either the Nespa #1 or Nespa Pro units, it is permanent. As for how long do they last before the bulb burns out? Japan can't even tell me this but so far, with over 50 units sold, only one has burned out and that was my own unit. I used it on hundreds of CD's then sent it to Bill Gaw of ETM for review, who had it for several weeks and did MANY cd's himself, many more than I had already done. From Bill it travelled with me to CES and then it was given to Clark Johnsen of PF to travel with throughout CA. In Clark's travels the light stopped working.
Japan's policy is to have me ship the units back and they replace the units with a brand new unit, no charge, to the customer, just the customer will pay the postage to return the unit to SOS and pay for having a unit shipped back to them, a very small fee.
We now have 4 dealers and more are coming on board. Please feel free to contact Sounds Of Silence for your local dealer.

PS: We are currently over 50 units in back-orders.
Steve, is the bulb inaccessible or wired in? Why is it not just possible to unscrew the bad bulb and replace?

Hi Norm, I've asked this same question and currently Japan wants to just send me new replacement units. Seems excessive but at this time that's the way it is. I've not tried to open the units so I can't answer your first question.
Steve, I think the Nespa is next. See: