benchmark and apogee

anybody out there have any experience with the benchmark dac 1 and the apogee dac 1 in their high end systems?

Do the embedded ATC's give decent imaging and localization of instruments?

Yes and No. Let me explain. If you mount speakers in a cabinet or wall - it is
essential to build a frame around the speakers in order to make a smooth
tranistion between the speaker baffle and the wall surface. Without the "picture framing" around the speakers you get a lot of edge diffraction which kills the imaging and soundstage. When you have a smooth transition (rather than just a "hole" for your speakers) then you actually get better imaging and soundstage than with the speakers freestanding. Most studio main monitors are built this way - installed in walls (there are several good reasons to do this).

Like these ATC's in Doug Sax Studio If you look at my virtual system you may notice a similarity in the way my ATC speakers are mounted. Of course I have a place for a TV and the wall provides equipment storage space in my case too - which is less
ideal but a lot more practical.

Doug Sax is working on a new recording format. As far as I know he chose
Benchmark DAC1 for his studio to go with the ATC's. The Mastering Lab (Doug's studio) has more audio engineering awards (Grammy's etc.) then anyone any other and his lengthy mastering credits reads like a who is who of the music industry. I trust his ears much more than mine - I doubt I'll change this DAC anytime soon.
Shdorne, thanks for the reply. I have repeatedly tried to reply, but agon doesn't seem to like me anymore, lol. Short answers: can't build a frame around top mounted tweeter like N803, but see the logic. as for apogee vs benchmark, lets just say that both are very good and highly regarded units, and it really depends on ones setup and ears. Good luck to OP, try them both.
apogee vs benchmark, lets just say that both are very good and highly regarded units, and it really depends on ones setup and ears.

For sure - when I decribe Benchmark as thin and detailed with precise and narrower soundstage I was trying to describe it realtive to other DAC's. Frankly, the differences between DACS are not something that worries me and my tine ears all that much. I'd say it is all pretty close when you got my kind of ears...
Not to make too much of a generalization, however it seems that folks with "metal dome" tweeters have issue with the Benchmark. I have the Benchmark DAC PRE I really like but my speakers are Harbeth M40 (soft dome) that are on the warm side. I had B&W N804 a few years ago and they always preferred a less analytical DAC. The Classe DAC I had worked well with the B&W's.
Frank_sm - My Benchmark was on the bright/brassy side with aluminum dome tweeter. After replacing with soft dome tweeter it is way better. Tweeter (Morel Supreme 110) is a little on the hot side but also much cleaner (underhung motor).