Headphones for a Laptop

I need to get a pair of headphones for in home use on my laptop, portability is not necessary. I'm looking for the best sound and comfort for a budget of $200 to $400. I would prefer one of the Audeze models but I cannot currently afford them.
I mainly listen to rock (acoustic and electric), blues and jazz. I'd like a pair that excel in the midrange, have natural but textured bass that's not too boomy and a treble that is not too bright.
I've read many reviews and posts on several headphone sites and have narrowed my choices to two but have not heard either:

Audiotechnica ATH m-50
Phiaton ms400

So. I'm looking for feedback on:
1. The sound qualities of these headphones from owners or those that have heard them.

2. Suggestions of others to consider based on my preferences.

3. Suggestions on other things I can do to get the best sound quality from a laptop, such as headphone amps or external dacs.

You are correct, I prefer an easier to drive headphone that I can use directly into the laptop, without an amp needed. I'll add the Koss PortaPro to my list.

noble 100; do not underestimate the improvement of a digital to analog converter when taking the sound directly out of a computer. The offset of roughly $100 (fubar, nuforce and more DACs with headphone amps) will definitively make a big difference.
I will reiterate the recommendation of using a DAC/amp like the uDac. Together with the Shure 940 you can have a high quality portable laptop system. The AKG 70x is not the right headphone. I've owned 3. It's too demanding with it's need for a powerful amp. The PortaPro is fair at best. I've owned it. And just about every headphone mentioned in this thread.

The reason I suggested the Shure 940 is because it does well out of the laptop or an iPod. It's a closed headphone so it works well if isolation is needed. For a closed 'phone it manages to sound more like an open 'phone compared to most other closed cans. It also performs above it's price.
I will second the Sony MDR-V6 or Sony MDR-7506. I had the V6, and now use the 7506. Fantastic cans, for a song...bout a hundred bucks on Amazon. 63ohm and 106db/mw, easy to drive straight from laptop.

When I use external DAC and amp...even better. :-)
you should audition the Grado sr80i or sr225i. Own sennheiser HD650s($500) and sr225i($200) and the grado holds its own. The sr80i($100) are probably one of the best deals in audio today.

I own the Sony MDR-V6 as mentioned above. Although I think they are nice, the grado's outclass them hands down. Better transparency, focus, detail, and tighter bass (not as much of it though).

Make sure to listen to the Grados before you buy them...its all preference after all.