Speaker suggestions at around $30k

What speakers would you recommend I listen to? To be driven by a high power solid state amp in a small to medium, well damped room. Around $30k price range. Preferences in order are:
1. Tremendous detail
2. Large open 3D soundstage
3. Clean, lively, and exciting
4. Vocals with great realism and emotional content
4. Extended highs (slight brightness to suit my room)
5. Moderate, controlled mid and deep bass
etc.. etc.. :)
Your recommendations and reasons please!
VR5-Anniversary-MkII speakers.
These list for $30k. I've had a pair for almost three years. They match up well with all the criteria you list. They have very extended highs and uncolored midrange. The bass is deep and very fast via magnesium woofers. Tweeter and midrange are the same drivers as the VR9 & 11. Same woofer technology (magnesium cones) as in the VR9's & 11's. The MkII upgrade has internal wiring using Masterbuilt cabling from Delphi Aerospace and upgraded crossover components. The speakers can generate an extremetly wide and deep soundstage. Very fast, but musical not "analytical". I spend time listening to the music, not the components. PM me if you want more info on my VR5 system.
Heard the new Sonus Faber Amati Futuras for the first time last week.

Absolutely sublime sound, and visually, these speakers are truly works of art!
Hi Mike60...

When u ask question like that, u open a big a$$ can of worm. You will get all sorts of answers. I recently went to the 2012 CES and heard all the speakers that mentions here and none impress me as much as MBL speaker. It has all the sonics u r looking for plus add 3d & holographic sound, effortless and most natural sound. For that price range, u can get a pair of 111f MBL. Off courst, this is my taste and your might be different. I highly recommend to go listens for yourself first before lay down big chuck of change.
I've been in audio for 40 years.

Salk Sound SoundScape 12's - $16,000 - Raal tweeters, Accuton mid, play down to 19 hz.

Get off the merry-go-round of "brand" speakers and get Salk's custom designed to your finish. They will blow away any of those B&M-priced speaker brands.