A Manufacturer that pays return shipping

Was wondering if anybody knows of a speaker manufacturer that pays return shipping on warranty returns I know sometimes the cost of the shipping exceeds the value of the repair which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me
Just wanted to thank everyone that responded to this thread I guess I got my answer, I wasn't really asking it could or couldn't be done I know I'm not going to change anybody's opinion anymore than they can change mine which is if they believed in the quality of their product they wouldn't expect many warranty returns if any anyway thanks again
I believe in the quality of all of my audio components but also know that humans make them and that humans are not perfect. I was brought up to understand that there are no guarantees in life and that if I can't afford to play I won't.
The warranty components that I've had to send back that I purchased through a reputable dealer, always had the shipping paid one way, and in a few cases both ways, dealer paid one way, manufacturer paid the other. I would expect no less.