What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?

I am looking for the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K that will project a 3 dimensional hologram-like sound image. I am considering the Mark Levinson 390S CD player. I am open for suggestions concerning comparisons between this and other CD players of equal or better sound quality. Universal players are out of the running since I own only redbook CDs. The fickle finger of fate has not made up it's mind about the next generation of media technology. So until then I will be patient and enjoy what I have.
The only CD player that I've heard in this price range is the Esoteric DV-50, and it sounded mighty damn good. If I were looking for a unit in the $5-8k range, the Esoteric would be on my short list.
I recommend the Audio Aero Capitole II.
It has an almost analog sound.
(As close to vinyl as I have heard yet.)
Used it will go for around $4,500, and the new price is around $9K I believe.

My two cents worth.
The digital player I have owned that rendered the most lifelike 3D holographic image is the APL Denon 3910. It was scary.

Other players I have owned include Exemplar Denon 3910, Exemplar Denon 2900, Empirical Audio EMC 1-UP SE, Modwright Sony 999ES, Marantz SA-14, APL Phillips SACD1000, Shanling T200.
Redwoodgarden, I would suggest you put on your audition list the Accustic Arts CDP MKII, its a great sounding piece and is in your price range. Another player which is
outstanding is the Ensemble CDP which retails for $9000.00,
but either demos or used are also being offered at a price that fits the budget range you stated.

It's always a matter of personnal taste and system synergy, I have heard all three players and like the Accustic Arts and Ensemble better then the Levinson player.