What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?

I am looking for the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K that will project a 3 dimensional hologram-like sound image. I am considering the Mark Levinson 390S CD player. I am open for suggestions concerning comparisons between this and other CD players of equal or better sound quality. Universal players are out of the running since I own only redbook CDs. The fickle finger of fate has not made up it's mind about the next generation of media technology. So until then I will be patient and enjoy what I have.
I recommend the Audio Aero Capitole II.
It has an almost analog sound.
(As close to vinyl as I have heard yet.)
Used it will go for around $4,500, and the new price is around $9K I believe.

My two cents worth.
The digital player I have owned that rendered the most lifelike 3D holographic image is the APL Denon 3910. It was scary.

Other players I have owned include Exemplar Denon 3910, Exemplar Denon 2900, Empirical Audio EMC 1-UP SE, Modwright Sony 999ES, Marantz SA-14, APL Phillips SACD1000, Shanling T200.
Redwoodgarden, I would suggest you put on your audition list the Accustic Arts CDP MKII, its a great sounding piece and is in your price range. Another player which is
outstanding is the Ensemble CDP which retails for $9000.00,
but either demos or used are also being offered at a price that fits the budget range you stated.

It's always a matter of personnal taste and system synergy, I have heard all three players and like the Accustic Arts and Ensemble better then the Levinson player.

A vote for the 390S here. For me, it replaced a Wadia 270/27ix combo. I have moved further up with Levinson digital on that system, however after taking home several of the players mentioned above recently for my 2nd system, I ended up buying another 390S.

Your best bet would be to take home as many of the mentioned players as possible and hear them in your system. Digital is like ice cream, everyone has their favorite flavor.


Paul :-)
Audio Aero Capitole MkII SE or Exemplar 5910 would be my first choice. Both players are very natural and cast a very wide and deep soundstage with very 3D and life-like images. The Exemplar is a universal player, but its redbook performance betters many dedicated CD players that cost substantially more.