Why no Danley fever?

I've never actually heard the Danley SH50 'Synergy Horn' (full-range speaker), or the Danley DTS 10 (subwoofer). However, I recently surfed into them on the web, and am a believer that 'measured specs don't lie' (and no one seems to dispute their specs): the sub will reproduce 10 htz at over 100 db!; the SH50 is nearly ruler flat from 50 htz - 20 khtz. SH50s are extremely sensitive (100db) yet able to handle 1000 watts, producing 130 plus db, if I remember correctly.

There are but scanty reviews online (non-existant really for us home theater types), geared to the pros, and these are extremely positive.

The unique SH50 horn design, in which all of the drivers are loaded load the horn, is unique and theoretically far superior to that most commonly employed: attaching drivers to the face of a box.

Has anyone heard these guys?

What explains, besides the fact that they are not pretty, their relative obscurity in our neck of the woods?
10hz.. that is close to the 'liquification of bowel fecal matter' frequency. I bet some owners get plenty of stains...
That is what i would be concerned about...
These are pro or live-sound speakers. Extremely few audiophiles are open-minded enough to even consider them for their home use. However, a very small number of lucky music lovers who have discovered them and took time to understand the design theory and have studied the verified 3rd party performance specs (try to get that from audiophile loudspeaker manufacturers!)behind these synergy horns are richly rewarded beyond their wildest dreams with these very reasonably priced products!! They can easily compete with "audiophile" speakers costing 10 times or more. There are some in-depth subjective comments in several forums, look for them and prepare to be surprised.
Johny_1 is correct - these are pro-audio speakers. However, as remarkable as they are - and they are very good for the genre and much better than the vast majority of "pro audio" equipment (most of which sounds horrible), they are no match for any decent home equipment. Pro-audio has entirely different requirements:
ability to play at very loud volumes without strain (i.e. fill a performing arts center or a stadium)
high efficiency
reasonable weight so they can be setup and taken down for shows (plywood cabinets that aren't too thick (lots of cabinet vibration)
reasonable cost or no sound contractors will spec them - simple black paint, fly points, very simple crossovers.

Yes - I actually do have plenty of real experience in pro-audio and in home audio. If you want the ability to play 120 db in your home, Danley is a far better choice than most other pro audio gear. If you want to hear resolution, accuracy and balance at something less than saturn rocket levels then most any decent audiophile speaker will handily outperform because the design considerations are completely different.