Best Active Crossovers?

What are the best active crossovers?

I have a pair of Dunlavy SC-VI, which are four-way 6db slope crossover.

I understand I would need to use Three Krell KBX in series to get 4-way 6db slope (besides 8 channels of amplification).

Do you know of any high quality 4-way active crossover that can be configured to 6db slope (except for the 3x KBX option)?

Another idea is to put your crossover external to the speakers. That way one can make changes to capacitors, resistors and wireing to dial in the speaker. It also elimates a source of distorition as the crossover in the speaker is under a lot of pressure from the woofers.
Correct. The new passive crossovers will be external. I will keep the original crossovers intact for comparison or if one day I decide to sell. It will be a long multi step process. The first step will use original solen caps and inductors, replacing all resistors with duelund. The second step will be to replace the most critical caps in the circuits of the tweeter and 5" mids. Then the most important components, mostly inductors, in the 8" and 15" path. Then possibly the less critical components. I am thinking about using dh labs Q-10 wire and Mundorf supreme solder. I am wondering what would be the best connectors for the 14 driver wires, since I don't think soldering and desoldering repeatedly is the best way. Any suggestions?
Okay just jumping in on this thread and sorry.....I am thinking of adding a sub woofer or two to my current system....the best way to do this is WITH a crossover any ideas or suggestions ???
About active Xovers, Remember how much trouble finding a transparent preamp for your systema has been? now double that for an active xover, since they usually have more amplifying stages than a preamp.

Use Passive line level xovers between your preamp and amp, 6 db is pretty easy, this will help mostly the amp!
And of course keep the internal xover as designed.

Since you are putting new external xovers, it would be good to identify tha parts in the Xover. The biggest upgrade you can make is to take out the Lpad, resitors at speaker level are very harmful to sound. When Multiamping you can control the volume for each driver from each amp driving it...this will be a lot of fun to play around with and most rewarding!

Dont change resitors, dump them! Change the Solens first!