The current SOTA SACD player

My current playback includes the non signature version of the EMM Labs Dac's.As I am considering upgrading I would like to know what fellow Audiogoners think will better it in terms of smoothness and detail. Single box player suggestions are certainly welcome with the emphasis being on SACD playback as I have quite a few of these discs.
I currently own the EMM DCC2 Signature/CDSD combo. Before I upgraded to the Signature version I bought an Esoteric X-01 Limited. The X-01 Limited had more bass and gave the music more body. At first I thought WOW, this is really good. As I gave it more time and compared it to my EMM gear, I finally deceided that I liked the EMM much better and sold the Esoteric. To me the EMM just sounded more real, less digital and I attribute this to it's outstanding clarity. After upgrading to the Signature version the bass and body issue completely disappeared while still having that outstanding clairity. I don't know how they did it but a well recorded redbook now competes with SACD in my system.
There's alot of new players out and coming that are supposed to be competive at the top of high end. Personally, I'm anxious to hear Alex Peychev's APL NWO2.5 next week at the Rocky Mountain Audiofest. For now I'm perfectly happy with my EMM gear.
Frankg, while you're at RMAF there are some others you should check out, such as the new Accustic Arts transport and DAC. I don't sell them but have heard some good things about them.
have a look at my review re the DAC6e SE

As for the CDSD SE there is no hardware difference from its immediate predessor. There are however firmware updates
Hi Onebgyn

Now that you have had your upgraded EMM gear for a while, have your initial impressions altered? Is the EMM gear getting better and have you heard any other setup that is comparable


Hi All,
I authored a thread a few months back directly comparing the esoteric X-01 (not the Limited) and the first gen EMM Labs gear. My conclusion, after living with both in my system for a couple of months, and going back and forth, was that they were approximately the same on SACD, but the Esoteric was magnitudes better on Redbook. Caveats, I've not heard the Sig version, and I currently have the X01 Limited, which I like much more than the plain version. Of course, at this level, it's all taste anyway. If I wasn't convinced that optical-based media will soon be gone, I'd probably get the P-03/D-03.

David Shapiro