The current SOTA SACD player

My current playback includes the non signature version of the EMM Labs Dac's.As I am considering upgrading I would like to know what fellow Audiogoners think will better it in terms of smoothness and detail. Single box player suggestions are certainly welcome with the emphasis being on SACD playback as I have quite a few of these discs.

IMO it just doesn't get any better than the EMM Labs.

It is great you feel this way! EMM Signature is really good indeed, but when you say "IMO", what is the "O" based on? Belief? Friendship? Loyalty? If this is the case then GREAT, it is perfectly understandable and respectable, however, I’d personally prefer "IMO" based on actual experience.


I can say that Ed Meitner takes the high road and doesn't lurk in the bowels of audiogon posts looking to sniff out followers of Aplhifi to hawk his wares. As always I reply to you
"shame on you"
Hi Oneobgyn,

I can say that Ed Meitner takes the high road and doesn't lurk in the bowels of audiogon posts looking to sniff out followers of Aplhifi to hawk his wares. As always I reply to you "shame on you"

Your accusation that Alex is "lurking" here to sniff out followers of EMM (or other brands) to hawk his wares is unfortunate, and should not be allowed to stand without some response. First of all, the title of this thread is "The current SOTA SACD player". And, it's author, Ecka, didn't limit it to a particular brand (or a particular class of Audiogoners). In fact, he explicitly solicited impressions about other brands: "As I am considering upgrading I would like to know what fellow Audiogoners think will better it in terms of smoothness and detail." You stated your opinion, and Alex asked you to clarify the basis for your opinion. What is wrong with that? Seeking clarification is part of the normal discussion on Audiogon.

Secondly, you have made numerous positive posts about EMM on more than a dozen Audiogon threads; and you provided a link, to your EMM review, on several threads. I will NOT accuse you of doing Ed Meitner's hawking of his wares. In fact, I will applaud you for your enthusiasm for a fine product. However, there is no reason for an uncivil response to Alex's challenge for you to define the basis of your opinion: belief, friendship, loyalty, or actual experience.

I would suggest to you to emulate the behavior in your description of Ed Meitner's approach: "take the high road".

Best Regards,
It is unfortunate that you feel that way. I am a very happy audiophile with over 33 years in this hobby. I feel that I can therefore make observations of what I own and what I have heard. I am NOT in the employ of Ed Meitner or any other manufaturer. "IMO" and I repeat that it is my opinion it is a sad sate of affairs when a manufacturer of any product constantly shows up in any audiogon thread where there is ever any mention of EMM Labs. I challenge you to do a search for any and all responses by Aplhifi and you will see what I mean. Those of us who own EMM Labs gear are constantly getting barraged by Alex to move up to his gear. This is aggressive and overly ambitious marketing to say the least. Those of us who have followed Alex' posts are constantly aware of his zeal to interject his product against EMM Labs. This is not to say that there is any problem with his gear. I merely disagree with his tactic. Simply put whether you agree or not!! I would only suggest you search the threads to get an understanding for what I have stated. Alex and I are perhaps a 30 mile drive. Over the past year he has sent me unsolicited e-mail with an attempt to sell me his gear. I feel this is not the way a responsible manufacturer sells his product. I will say no more. The opinions on these threads are always rewarding when they come from the end user rather than from the manufacturer
Oneobgyn, I asked a very simple question regarding the bases of your statement that "It does not get better than EMM Labs". Since you live in my area, I've offered you (in the past) an actual experience by bringing my NWO for you to try in your own system so that you could validate your claim "IMO it does not get better than EMM Labs". But you refused saying you don't want to discharge your interconnect cables by unplugging them. This is the reason to ask you where your "IMO" comes from.

Ed Meitner has an army of people who are watching his back on all online forums. I hope someday I will have the same luxury myself.
