The current SOTA SACD player

My current playback includes the non signature version of the EMM Labs Dac's.As I am considering upgrading I would like to know what fellow Audiogoners think will better it in terms of smoothness and detail. Single box player suggestions are certainly welcome with the emphasis being on SACD playback as I have quite a few of these discs.
Greg, unqualified raves are what they are. but what would this board be like if all manufacturers challenged these comments like Alex? the whole damn place would be chaos since clearly everyone would have an agenda beyond 'pride of ownership'.

most manufacturers (not all) have the good sense to 'keep their distance'. so things (pretty much) stay on a productive level of idea exchange.

i am not 'anti-Alex' or 'anti-anything'......but i do think that people with clear 'agendas' need to excercise restraint when posting.

Audioasylum has clear rules for this to keep things on the up and up. AudiogoN is more commerce oriented so i expect and accept more liberal activity by commercial interests. but there is still a 'line' out there and IMHO Alex consistently crosses it.....however good of a guy i personally consider him. he is not alone in this but he is the most consistent particularly when EMM comes up.

yes; he does not hide his affiliation but that does not make it right or proper. i speak only for myself.......maybe i'm not in step with other's opinions.

You need to grow up and stop feeling so darn paranoid.

If you were to conduct your business in the manner that all other reputeable manufacturers do then perhaps you would garner some degree of respect from the audiophile community. In your correspondance to me it was your contention that your gear would time and again better any of Ed's gear. Your constant use of these forums IMO is nothing more than your ability to obtain free advertising of your merchandise here on Audiogon. I will say again, "shame on yo

Over the past year he has sent me unsolicited e-mail with an attempt to sell me his gear

I can forward back to you the email you've sent me on 12/28/2004 where you though it would be fun to meet with your friend Ron in your house and audition one of my Denon players against your older EMM Labs combo. You were changing audio gear at that time so this never happened. This is the reason I've sent you email earlier this year and also posted on your EMM Labs Signature Review thread proposing audition, NOT sale! I have always respected EMM Labs products. I have defended EMM Labs products online on many occasions saying that EMM is the best “stock” digital I have heard, so it is always nice if I can hear my products against it. Luckily, there was another local EMM Labs Signature owner who recently invited me over his house with my NWO-2.5 player. So now I know. Sorry for the inconvenience contacting you earlier!

"yes; he does not hide his affiliation but that does not make it right or proper. i speak only for myself.......maybe i'm not in step with other's opinions.

You speak for me as well Mike. Alex has crossed the line on so many occasions when it comes to EMM Labs and yes the archives of all of his posts will verify this postulate. I just feel that should he expend his energies in the fashion that other ethical manufacturers do (to wit) paid advertising, he would perhaps garner the accolades that he feels he is due. Rather his "M.O" here on audiogon is tantamount to nothing otther than free advertising and IMO that is wrong.
Mike, I couldn't agree with you more!!! In fact, last night I posted a response to this thread which essentially paraphrased your last few posts. For some reason it never appeared- I must have hit the wrong button when trying to post it.