The current SOTA SACD player

My current playback includes the non signature version of the EMM Labs Dac's.As I am considering upgrading I would like to know what fellow Audiogoners think will better it in terms of smoothness and detail. Single box player suggestions are certainly welcome with the emphasis being on SACD playback as I have quite a few of these discs.
If Oneobgyn had preferred the EMM Labs and reported that here, there is no doubt he'd have been put in a position of defending his choice by Alex, who would have posted the reasons for his opinion being incorrect.

Of course, Oneobgyn might have preferred the APL player, but after having so staunchly professed the EMM Labs to be superior, it's unlikely that Oneobgyn would have admitted being wrong.

Thus, a no-win situation.

Sorry, but I believe this to be the inevitable outcome.
Despite the "can of worms" that has been opened by this thread, I really do appreciate the input of all Audiogoner's whose intent was to share with the rest of us their opinion of the current SOTA Sacd player. Like Oneobgyn, Mikelavigne and Trcnetmsncom I am an Ed Meitner admirer and have enjoyed his products thus far.Whilst I do understand Oneobgyn"s and Mikelavigne objection to Alex's over enthusiastic self promotion and his questioning of other opinions especially when they happen to be from Emmlabs owners, I personally am not offended by it.

I do think however that it would be a shame if Alex's contribution to this and other forums were in some way limited as a result of this discussion. Alex clearly has a better understanding of how these marvelous little machines work than do most of us ,and, his input in relation to technical questions or problems are often very helpful .

Having said all this, the positive response by all to the signature upgrade has me definitely leaning in that direction at this stage.

Any Emmlabs signature owners out there who have heard the NWO 2.5 ? your comments would be most welcome.
Alex, thanks for reading my posts in the spirit they were written in.

Ecka, my comments were not meant to infer that Alex should not post.....just that his comments should not be a reaction to competing product opinions by end users unless solicited by those posters. that is just my particular viewpoint of how i think a manufacturer should conduct themselves. we will see how it goes. i hope we can go on now from this subject.
" that is just my particular viewpoint of how i think a manufacturer should conduct themselves"

That was precisely my reasoning when I first made my comments in this thread